1.2 | special sharks

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Dakota knew the party was going to be just great when the first words that came out of her mouth upon entering the room were, "Oh, shit."

The reason for that being the one and only Trevor Jackson-- Dakota's jerk of an ex boyfriend who, even if he hadn't been emotionally manipulative and done that one terrible thing to her, would still have been a jerk simply by virtue of the fact that she was 15, and he was 21.

And, okay, one jerk ex boyfriend at a party? Dakota could deal with that.

But one jerk ex boyfriend with a new hot blonde girlfriend that had once called her a slut on twitter for no reason (although now, Dakota assumes its because she used to be dating the guy she probably had a crush on) at a party?

Dakota was really going to need some help.

So Dakota rushed over and sat next to (or really, on top of) one of her best friends. Dakota was lowkey so proud of her for finally managing to talk to a boy and for that boy managing to be Finn Wolfhard that she almost felt bad for interrupting the conversation.

"You do know this couch is meant for two people and not three?" Ana reminded her.

Key word: Almost.

"You do know I don't give a fuck? Just move over!" Dakota nudged Ana, but she barely moved.

"I can't, you're basically on top of me! Just go to the other couch!" Ana argued.

"I would, but look who's at that other couch!" Dakota spoke quieter, but also, angrier.

Ana looked over, and sighed. Dakota raised her eyebrows in a way that said, I told you so.

"Who's that guy?" An oblivious Finn asked.

"That's her asshole ex." Ana muttered.

"Oh, come on, he's not that bad." Dakota tried, not really knowing why. He was a jerk to her, but also, he was going through some shit.

Then again, Dakota was also going through some shit. Like, right now. Because of him.

Ana let out a laugh of disbelief. "Oh, really? Then why don't you go sit with him?"

Dakota stared at her blankly. "Wow. You're really no help."

"Come on..." Finn realized how antsy Dakota was, and it sort of freaked him out. Finn knew Dakota pretty well after working with her on the set of It, and she was always confident, never antsy. He grabbed Ana's arm and gently pulled her on top of him, so Dakota now had an actual place to sit.

"Thank you! Kind sir." Dakota acknowledged, before getting distracted by something in the distance. Or rather, someone.

Dakota did not get along well with Wyatt Oleff, to say the least. However, Trevor was staring at her now, Finn and Ana were unconsciously making her into a third wheel, and she needed to get up and find someone else to talk to fast.

So Dakota did what she really did not want to do. "WYATT!"

Wyatt had half the mind to ignore her, but was curious as to what the hell could make her run to him so fast. "What--?"

"I need you to help me dude." She breathed heavily.

Wyatt laughed. "Wait, are you serious?"

"Look, I know all this shit went down on the It set and we're always nagging each other in the group chat, but I really need this and you owe me!" She rambled.

"Wait, wait-- slow down, what do you need?"

"Asshole Trevor is here, and I seriously don't want to talk to him or his Even More Asshole New Girlfriend."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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