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And there we were, running in the middle of the night on the beach. The wind blowing through our hair, our laughter being drowned out by the sound of crashing waves. It was perfect, like a scene from a movie, I'm with my best friends and the man of my dreams, so why did it feel so wrong? So fake? Only one reason could come to mind, and that was him. His hair, his eyes, his mouth, THAT JAWLINE. I just don't understand why I'm thinking about him, he was cocky and arrogant when I first met him. And now as I'm running with my friends and the guy that I've been dreaming about being with since I was 8 years old, I can't seem to get him out of my mind. The way he moved in the water, the smile that lit up his face when the dolphins came to surf with him, it was incredible. What are you doing Sydney? I hear my voice of reason say, You're right where you need to be, stop trying to convince yourself of otherwise. If I keep telling myself that, I'll start believing it, right?

Hi guys!!! My names Mackenzie and I want to thank you sooooooooo much for deciding to read my story! This is my first ever story on Wattpad so please feel free to comment and give me your opinion on my work and let me know what I can do to make it more enjoyable to read, but please try to keep the comments positive because I try my very hardest to live a happy positive life and I really don't want any negativity. This story is my own so please don't copy it, if you need help coming up with ideas or help with your story, or just you wanna talk, feel free to hit me up because I'm judgement free and I'm always down to talk about anything. Don't be afraid to comment and please don't be a ghost reader, I want to see what you're have to say and I want to get to know all of you! Anyway thank you so much once again and I really hope you enjoy, I'm gonna try to post every Friday, so stay tuned!!
~Kenzie 💛

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