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Who's moving in? I wonder, I mean wouldn't I know, wouldn't mom have told me if we were getting neighbors? I march over to my house and stomp trough the door, angry at my mom for not telling me about this. When I walk in she's no where to be found. The gym, of course. Ever since I was little my mom has always been about a healthy, plant based diet, which is one of the reasons why I love my friends even more because they would sneak Cheeto Puffs from there house and give them to me. I remember one time I was in the 3rd grade and mom had packed me a garden salad for lunch and while all the other kids were eating Smuckers Sandwiches I was stuck with spinach and tomatos. Nikki walked up to me and saw my pathetic lunch and she took her sandwich, split it in half, and gave me half of it. " Why are you doing shis for me?" I asked with the lisp I got from the absence of my two front teeth. " Because," she states," I wouldn't want to eat that yucky stuff either." Smiling at the fond memory I storm up the stairs, go down the hall, and enter the room that at one point in time was my old play room, was now my moms own personal gym." MOM," I yell over her speakers which were blaring The Cult." Oh hi sweetie, I've been meaning to tell you something-," I cut her off." You've been meaning to tell me that we're getting new neighbors and that they're moving in today." I finish. " Yes, are they hear already? You know after your father and I's divorce I've been meaning to get out there and I hear that it was a newly divorced lawyer and his son that we're moving in, and I know that f I don't act fast Janice will just have a field day with him." She exclaimed." So I have a favor to ask of you." I eye here warily," If it's me talking you up to the new neighbor then he'll no." My mom wouldn't actually ask me to help her get laid right? " No no no sweetie if course no," she laughs," but I need you and me to go over there and introduce ourselves and help them move in, I've already baked a paleo chocolate mud cake and I need you there with me so I don't look desperate." She give me a pleading look," Please, Syd you know this would mean the world to me." I sigh, and caving I say," Okay."
" Oh thank you Syd!" She runs over and gives me one of those hugs that makes you think you need a stomach pump afterwards to inflate all your organs back to normal size. I smile, my mom does some crazy things, but I can't stop loving her. While she runs into her bathroom to get ready to meet her new potential bachelor, I walk down the stairs and greet my friends who have been binging on bananas this entire time. " Hey Syd, you ready to go back out," Brodhi asks, throwing away a banana peel away. " Nah guys go on without me, my moms making me help out the new neighbors."
" Aw alright man, well tell her we all say hey." Nikki says. After showing them out I make my way toward my bedroom and throw on a pair of white flowy shorts and a blue and white button down that I tied in the front. Looking at myself in the mirror I try to shake out some of the sand that has resided in my hair after the surf. If there's one thing I love about surfing it's the beach waves you get in your hair afterwards. As I walk out I grab my sunglasses and throw on my flip flops." Mom, are you done yet?" I call, waiting by the front door. " I'm coming sweetie, can you get the cake out of the fridge?"
" Sure," I say, making my way over to the fridge. When I turn around I see her coming down the stairs in a pair of light washed distressed jeans and a white button down with a pair of strappy sandals, blonde curls frame her face as she throws her sunglasses on. If there's one thing my mom can do besides work out and make bomb ass paleo food, it's dress." Ready?" I ask," Yup, let's go." We walk out the door and make our way over the the neighbors. When we get there my mom pauses to adjust her top to show a little cleavage, classy mom. She turns to me,"Ready?" She asks," As I'll ever be,"
I sigh and she rings the door bell.
" Hello." A tall, semi- built man stands in the door way and I could already see my mom swooning. I mean for a thirty year old he didn't look to bad, his facial hair gave a sutlness to his prominent jawline, while the blue button down he wore made his arms look like they bench twice than what they probably do. He wasn't bad looking, for a thirty-three year old. " Hi," my mom gushes," My names Stephanie and this is my daughter Sydney, we're the neighbors," she says as she points in the direction of our house. God this is turning out to be one of the worst ID episodes ever. " Well," my mom continued," we just wanted to know if there was anything we could do to help, we saw your movers left you stranded to take care of all this mess and we just wanted to see if there was anything we could do."
" Well that is very sweet of you Stephanie," the random neighbor who still hasn't told us his names says," but I would feel bad."
" No don't feel bad, may daughter and I would love to help," she insists.
" Well.... alright," he caves with a relived smile on his face. We walk inside the house and realize that the floor plan is identical to our houses. " Stephanie if you could come help me in the kitchen, I don't know how to organize this kitchen to where it would actually be a functioning one," he laughs and smiles goofily, God you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. As my mom starts walking over to meet him in the kitchen I ask, " Uhh Mr. ...."
" Waltman,"he says," but you can call me Kelly," he adds.
" Alright Kelly, what would you like for me to do," I ask plastering the biggest, fakest smile on my face. " Well, my son Duke is upstairs in his room on the left, I'm sure he needs some help if you want to go help him."
" Sure," and with that I start walking up the stairs. Only when I get to his bedroom door I realize that him and I have the same room, based off the floor plan. Smiling at the idea I open the door." WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK," before I can stop I see a butt naked guy who's only effort in covering himself up was by holding his surfboard in front of himself. " Holy shit," I say, shocked by the fact that this was actually happening." GET THE FUCK OUT," he screams and before I close the door he says," AND KNOCK NEXT TIME."
HEYYYYY!! So what do you think, a lot
of characters are being introduced and I'm so excited, especially now that Duke just got in the story. So what do you thinks gonna happen between Sydney's mom and Dukes dad?? How do you think Sydney and Dukes friendship is gonna start out. Also if you want comment where your from and what you like about here you live, like I live in California and I love the beach, so comment down below!! Lastly I wanted to give anther huugggee thanks to xoxoBaby_Girlxoxo for proofreading my chapters and being there for me, so go check out her new book Drowning, it's really good, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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