Why Do I Still Write In This Book?

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A/N: We are now back!!! (For a while). Any who it is 11 pm again and I am still awake when I should be sleeping. So there was this story I told to a friend like 2 years ago or something and I want to try and remember what I wrote about, but that'll be next chapter I have to talk to said friend to remember the story. For now I will try to write an ok story. Thanks for reading this now let us begin.


It was midnight. Most people were asleep in their homes. Unfortunately, there was always someone awake. ALWAYS, and it was ALWAYS the Medricks. They had a bad habit of being overly loud. Especially at night.  No one ever questioned it. It had always been like this. That was until the Thompsons came into the neighborhood. Well they were willing to put up with it. Except one person. Young Mellie Thompson. A very curious girl who when bothered never ever let the subject continue. Unfortunately for her, she got the room nearest to the Medricks and she disliked, actually she despised being woken from her sleep. So every once in a while she would try to take a peek through her window to see what they were doing so late at night that caused such a commotion, only to see that nothing was going on. One day she decided to stay up all night just to see what they did. The discovery she made that day blew her mind. They would stay up at that ti.e because they were vampires. She couldn't believe what se found out. She had to tell someone anyone! But of course who would believe a story like that. She then proceeded to stay up and see their daily routine. She ended up finding out they were vegetarian vampires, which to her made no sense at all and they were nocturnal.

Or so she thought.  You see Mellie has a great imagination. In reality her neighbors were just loud. They stayed up late and did all the morning chores at night. She wanted to make it so it wouldn't be boring. Well she did almost get caught a few times peeking at the neighbors backyard.


A/N: You know I also question my ideas. I aldo question why I still have this book open. Have a great day, afternoon or night!!! Stay Awesome!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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