Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice)

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A boy named Shoya Ishida sets his affairs in order and walks to a bridge, intending to commit suicide. Coming to his senses at the last minute, he recalls his days in elementary school, and the events that have led him to this point in his life.

In those days, Shoya was an indifferent child, one who viewed his fellow students as a way of staving off his boredom. The entry of a new student named Shoko Nishimiya into his class piques his interest ; she informs the class, through writing in a notebook, that she is deaf. In spite of her disability and her inability to speak well, she tries her best to live normally and mesh with the class, but the other students, and the teacher as well, come to believe her presence is upsetting the social balance; they feel she is imposing on them through her handicap. Shoya, who already considers her odd, begins to bully and harass her without end; the class, more amused than shocked, does not intervene in the situation.

(From- Wikipedia)

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