1 reddie (the new kid)

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Eddie sat in the front of the classroom fidgiting with a pen on his desk. He had art for homeroom but the mrs.clark was waiting for the late bell to ring before they did anything. A dark haired boy with oversised black glasses walked into the room anxiously. His face was decorated with freckles. His cheeks were flushed with a cherry-red once he reached the teachers desk. Eddie stared at the boy taking a puff of his athsma inhaler. He overheard things like "look at his glasses hes probley such a nerd" and "ugh wut halpened to his face" from all around the room but he didnt care for all he knew he could be the best guy in the world he wasnt gonna judge him for his glasses unlike his peers. "Hi, you must be Richie" "yes mam" said the anxious boy. "Well I'm your art\homeroom teacher Mrs.Clark we dont have assigned seats here so you can sit in whatever open seat you'd like" Otther classmates gave him dirty stares as he walked across the room so he quickly walked to the one he noticed whis stare wasnt filled with hatered. "Can I sit here?" asked the boy. "Suere!" he sat down right next to him. "My names Richie, whats yours" "Eddie!" he said shaking his hand, imedeatly using handsanitizer affter. "Like spegetti" chuckled Richie. "Oh no no" "whats wrong Eddie-speggeti?" "I knew it!" "knew what" "you were gonna call me Eddie-speggeti, as soon as you mentioned speggeti" "Alright class settle down. This is our new student Richie could you please stand up so they know who im talking about" "yes mam" he felt more confident being around Eddie he didnt know if it was whathe said or the way he talked thier was just something about him. "Ok say hi to Richie and welcome him to the classroom! Do you prefer being called Richie or something else?" "Just Richie!" "Hi Richie!" said the class in a rude tone "come in I know yall can do betterthan that" "Hi richie!"they said louder still sounding rude. "Today we will draw portraits of the person sitting next to us!" "me first?"asked Richie. "Sure!'' said Eddie pulling out a pad of paper and a pencil out of his backpack. He watched as Eddie carefully made an outline of his face and maped out all the shadows of his face. He loved it when he looked right at him to get a detail just right. "Wow! That looks more like me than i look like me!" "thanks! But its not that good." "what are you talking about it is"
"If you think so" chuckled Eddie.
Some time has passed and Eddie is almost done. "And done!" said Eddie putting the finnishing details on the portrait. Richies jaw droped "if i wouldn't have sat thier and watched you I'd think you didnt do that but you did! Now i get to draw you but it probley wont be as good" Eddie rested his hand on Richies "yes it will!".

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