MINE part one

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"But why did you say no?" Ally questioned "If you had feelings, you should've said something!".

"I know, I know! I was just figuring stuff out and I didn't know how to respond" Camila sighed in frustration.

"So you decide to ghost her the whole summer?" Ally put her hands up in the air ready to yell out, but soon collected herself repeatedly saying "You're a senior now, you have one more year" quietly to herself.

"You think she told Dinah and Mani?" Camila looked up from her phone then back down to look at the last messages Lauren and her shared.

"Considering their her best friends? Probably, but Lauren's not the type to be having her business out- especially something like this".

"Have you seen her? She hasn't posted anything since school ended" Camila asked.

"Sorta...Dinah and Mani came in for a quick scoop of ice cream but Lauren stayed in the car" Ally explained "I saw her through the car window, she looked fine".

"Maybe she won't hate me?" Camila perked up giving the thought hope "Fuck it! Whatever happens tomorrow happens".


"Camila stop hiding behind the damn plant!" Ally said pushing back leaves to see Camila pop out her head and sigh. "They'll be here any minute".

"Hey guys!"

Dinah and Mani came running in for a hug "How have you guys been!?".

"We're good...what the fuck happened to you guys?" Ally looked both girls up and down "You guys look fucking amazing!".

"You can thank volley ball for that" Dinah smirked taking a seat "It's been kicking our asses".

"Ugh, I don't wanna think about volleyball right now" Normani complained changing the subject "You guys going to the party tonight?".

"The one at Zayn's place?" Camila chimed in "I'm definitely down".

"It's a plan?" Normani looked down at Dinah and back up at Ally, who both nodded "Sounds like a plan!".

"What does?"

Camila froze up seeing Lauren walk slowly towards them.

"Zayn's party tonight, you down?" Dinah asked.

"Uhhhh sure? I mean we don't have practice till next week so fuck it" Lauren shrugged checking her phone.

"Uhhhh are we just gonna ignore how good you all look right now?" Ally looked around confused "You guys are making me regret not joining a sport..I'm getting old!".

"Speaking of that! Sorry that I haven't been in touch during summer..." Lauren sighed trailing off "I got my phone taken away and practice took half my summer up".

The entire time Lauren talked Camila was captivated by her every move. Lauren gave a quick glance at Camila and smiled.

She doesn't hate me! Camila thought to herself.

"There you are!" A deep voice called out.

In a blink of an eye...Lauren turned around and soon had muscular arms around her waist and hands that were slowly sliding down to her ass. Camila turned to the girls, who also had their mouths wide open.

"Catch you guys later?" Lauren said waving as she walked hand in hand with the schools quarterback.

Camila furrowed her eyebrows together and tilt her head at them as they walked down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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