Part Two: The Doctor

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The not-so-little creature, that the Medic had begun calling, "Tentaspy", was dreaming peacefully. Medic sighed, his hands slowly moving the jar over to a big aquarium. It had been 3 months since his, "Successful procedure", and Medic had to move the growing octopus-man into a bigger tank. The creature was now sentient, sentient enough to begin to learn speech.

"The octopus has higher intelligence at a young age, it seems." murmured the Medic. "Vhat an interesting... development." The little tentaspy looked at the Medic.

"Fräulein?" said the little creature. The medic was taken aback. "I am... no frauline?" Medic laughed gently, as the creature tilted its head. "Fräulein!"

"Ahh, Verdammt, kleine Krake, is that to be my name from you?" The little monster grinned, his quickly sharpening teeth showing off beautifully.


The medic paused and stared directly at the tentaspy.

"You... understand me?"

"Ja!" The monster smiled with lips pulled back. It was a chilling sight for most, but medic mostly shook his head in surprise.

"Mein Gott, you will be the death of me."


The medic held up an empty syringe.

"This is good, ordnung?"

"Ja." The little creature fidgeted slightly as it pricked into its sensitive skin, sucking in a breath in its weak lungs. "Tut weh."

"I know, mein liebling, it will only take a minute... and a bit of blood." Medic smiled to reassure the tentaspy, and gently took the syringe out of its arm, and patched a small bandage over it. "Better, ja?"

The little tentaspy nodded weakly. "Ja."


The tentaspy had grown rapidly, he was now the size of a large cat. Medic had grown a habit of feeding the growing creature live fish, so it would learn how to hunt. Goldfish were in steady supply, along with the occasional swimming rat for variety. The medic would have to sneak out more often to get food, and create excuses. One excuse was to create a fake habit which he loathed greatly. He pretended to be a heavy smoker. Sadly, though, that required the occasional cigarette in front of the team. The doctor loathed smoking, and had occasionally shown Spy and Sniper his distaste with their habits, along with the rest of the BLU team.

"Fräulein?" The tentaspy looked out of its tank, one medic would have to replace very soon. The tentaspy clutched the shirt medic had, "borrowed", for him long ago. The tentaspy would not give up the shirt, and the smell of a sniper's cigarettes calmed the creature immensely, to medic's surprise.

"Fräulein!" The tentaspy grabbed back medic's attention. "More food?" He asked, hopefully.

"Nein, little krake, I have no more fish." The tentaspy huffed its discontentment and sunk back to the bottom of its tank, partially cramped in a ball. "However, I have something special for you today." The creature looked up and smiled toothily, its fangs shining in the underwater lights within its tank.

"Human flesh."


The little tentaspy contentedly chewed on the last bits of the flesh its creator had given it, picking it off the bone. Ripping off the last bits of flesh from the bone, it laid its head on the floor of the tank. The medic had given him a human arm, and watched eagerly as the growing creature dined on its flesh. Its teeth sharpened as it chewed on the bone, his amber eyes reducing to slits. The blood was all around him in the water, his eyes closed in quiet contentment. His stomach full, he floated down to the bottom of the tank, his body relaxing as he slept and floated.

The medic smiled.

"Sleep well, little tentaspy. Soon you will be strong." The medic smiled, his glasses tipping to the light, catching his eyes in a malicious glare. His irises were red.


It had been 6 months since the tentaspy had been created. He could speak fluently, in short sentences. He was the size of a child, his amber wolf's eyes catching the light violently. His teeth were razor sharp, his claws were sharpened to a point, his tentacles were fierce and strong, creatures of constriction. The tentaspy was becoming sick of his life within the lab, and curiousity pierced the cloud of indifference.

"Fräulein, why can't I leave?"

"It is not safe, little tentaspy."

"I am not little, Fräulein!"

"You are still not powerful enough in the outside world, especially here!" The medic had to explain everything about the fortress to his little minion. He even explained why he was created- to protect the sewers from infiltrators.

The tentaspy huffed angrily.

"When will I be strong enough Fräulein?"


-------END OF PART TWO-------

Thank you for reading this! I spent a lot of time on this section, and I know it seems jumpy, it'll solidify once he hits adulthood! It'll get into the main plot around there, so please bear with me! FriendlyPyro, out.

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