The Stealer

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Not my best sorry.




                                                        The Stealer

I hate love.

I hate the pain it causes. No wonder its called a heartbreak. The pain demands to be felt, just like John Green said in that book. Altough i did like love.

But not anymore, you could call me the iron lady. Might as well die heartbroken.

He was just so perfect.

-Flashes of memories-

The way all the love could bubble up in my chest and felt like all the love could explode any second. How his hands were so big, yet they fit perfectly in my hands.

His kisses could take away the pain. And his hugs would make me feel safe. How his arms would be my shield from the world.

I knew he could be the one, or that any of this could end in any moment, but i could live in the moment for the rest of my life.

-End Of Flashes-

I could remeber so many moments that we shared together. But I would rather not, its too much pain for me to take in right now.

I feel like i could be writing a song for Taylor Swift, but why would that matter my exisistence doesn't matter to anyone anymore. No one would care how i felt.

Like they all say 'in the end nothing really matters anymore'.

But my only question is, why?


I know its short but bare with me i have like three other books i have. And well yea.

For business inquires Contact me with -Wattpad- in the subject line.

Read my other books please


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