Teachers Pet (boyxman)

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****DAMIAN'S POV****

One word to ruin my life, or is it two words? Anyway that word/words is boarding school.

I don't think its really fair of my mother to send me to boarding school, I actually didn't do anything wrong. The reason my mom has made this rash decision is because she caught my father cheating on her and she didn't know how to handle it so she thought the best thing to do was send me to a boarding school while she packed up her own life and went to live with her mom. I still don't think I should have to go to boarding school, I would ask my mom to let me stay with dad but I know she would kill me for even mentioning the idea.

She would of probably let me live with him if he had cheated on her with another girl but he actually cheated on her with a guy. If there is one thing you need to know about my mom its that she's a major homophobic bitch, and because she's a bitch I have to pack up my whole life and move to a new school where I literally know nobody.

so to recap on my shitty life my bitch mom found out my dad is gay and after lecturing us for a good 4 hours on how he ruined our family and how he's going to hell she told us that she's moving in with her mom and I'm going to a boarding school a few states over.

That was that. When bitch mom says something we do it.


My mom only gave me a half hour to pack my stuff and say good bye to my father, she didn't even let me say bye to my friends or even tell them I was leaving.

I didn't have to do much packing because I had to wear a school uniform and only need clothes for weekends, I only needed my bathroom things like a toothbrush, a hairbrush, shower items, my electronics, and personal stuff like photos.

With a quick hug and a few words exchanged with my father, I was being pushed into a car and off I was to my new life.

Now I had only one thing to say.

"I hope they got wifi."


A/N: The picture above is Damian's mother. Her name is Leeane.

Teachers Pet (boyxman)Where stories live. Discover now