A Mother

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Who takes care of you when you are sick??

A mother

Who leads you to the path of womanhood??

A mother.

Who makes sure you eat breakfast,lunch and dinner???

A mother.

Who makes sure to see you through your period??

A mother.

Who buy tampoons for you when you really need one??

A mother.

Who makes sure she doesnt eat without you eating??

A mother.

Who makes sure she sacrifices all her friends(though not in all situations) and gossip to take care of her children?

A mother.

Who makes sure to dress you up on your first date and is actually happy for you??

A mother.

Who goes through all your pain and joy with you??

A mother.

Who makes sure you don't move with the wrong crowd.

A mother.

Who makes sure she goes through your assignment to make sure you actually have them done??

A mother.

Who makes sure she console you after your dad scold you??

A mother.

Who makes sure to sing you a lullaby and tell you stories before you go to bed??(though this depends on hoe old you are)

A mother.

Who is the one that loves you unconditionally??

A mother.

If you think your mom does this,then don't forget to vote and comment

I love you mom.
So much.
I really miss you
Wish you were here right now😢😢.

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