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Once, many years ago, there were two men. Their names were HeroBrine and Notch.

Notch was a creative man. He always enjoyed creating new mobs and building.

He only saw beauty in everything.

His brother, HeroBrine, on the other hand... he was the complete opposite. He found enjoyment in hurting others and destroying the beauty around him.

He only saw ugliness in everything.

When HeroBrine went out of control, the brothers were trapped in an endless battle which lasted for years, until Notch brought together a group of heroes, who would stop HeroBrine's terror.

The group was called The Chosen Ones, as Notch had chosen them all to bear a shard of crystal, of which one shard contained great power, if in the right hands.

Seven colours.

Red, grey, blue, pink, brown, white and purple.

Red represented Fire. This crystal was gifted to the person who burned with a bright flame, but also was very protective.

Grey represented Wind. The bearer of this was usually calm, and tries to comfort their teammates, the voice of reason, some would say.

Blue represented Water. Water usually goes with the flow. Sometimes they can get upset, and become a storm of emotion, but they'll stay loyal no matter what the cost.

Pink represented Nature. The bearer of the Pink shard had a big heart, and an even bigger love for animals. But not as big a love for their friends.

Brown represented Earth. The bearer of whom had a strong heart, and a stronger dose of determination.

White for Light, the bearer having a pure heart, and pure intentions.

And Purple for Shadow. Shadow was mysterious. The bearer of this hardly listened, but they tried their best to serve the team.

These seven heroes, combining the power given to them, finally managed to defeat HeroBrine, banishing him to the Nether as his punishment.

They slowly slipped away into the pages of legend after that.

After their death, Notch took the crystal shards, and separated them in different temples, hoping that they would never be used again. And if they were needed, which he hoped they wouldn't be, the new bearers would find out...

But little did Notch know...

Was that that day was coming soon.

Really soon...

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