Chapter 1

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"Harry hurry up! We're going to be late!" Niall yelled up the stairs. "I'm sorry!" Harry said sassily. "But we might be meeting our child today! I don't want to give a bad first impression because my hair looks bad" Niall just rolled his eyes and went out to their land rover.

"Hello, you must be the couple that called earlier in the week. Yes?" The lady ,that was in charge of the place, greeted when Niall and harry arrived. "Yes, I'm Niall and this is my husband Harry" Niall gave his famous white toothed smile and shook the ladies hand. "Nice to meet you, my names Nancy" Nancy smiled and then shook Harrys hand too. "Come inside. I think I have a child that would be perfect for you" she led them inside and to her office.

"So the Childs name is Liam and he is a wonderful little boy. He's smart, kind, energetic and just great to be around" Nancy explained. "He sounds great, I can't wait to meet him" harry smiled. "Great, I think he's in his room. Lets go and see him" she smiled and showed Niall and Harry upstairs.

"Li! My tummy hurts again!" Louis whimpered from his bed. Liam looked up from his book and ran over "do you have to go potty again Lou?" He asked softly. Louis nodded quickly so Liam took his hand and lead him to the bathroom. Louis climbed onto the toilet and immediately diarrhea splashing into the bowl. "Do you want me to get Nancy?" Liam asked. Louis started crying and nodded "quick LiLi, don't wanna be alone" Liam nodded and ran out of the room, in search of Nancy.

Nancy, Niall and Harry were making their way upstairs when a little boy crashed into Harrys legs. "Sorry!" Liam apologised as he looked up at the stranger. "Its quite alright" harry smiled. "Ah Liam! We were just coming to find you" Nancy smiled. "Nancy! Louis's tummy is hurting again. He's crying on the toilet, you have to come quick" Liam pulled on her skirt. "Who's Louis?" Niall asked. "He's my twin" the boy replied.

"I'll go to him in a minute, Liam these men are here to see if they want to adopt you" Nancy grinned. Liam took a step back "no" he said. "Why not Li?" Nancy asked. "I'm not leaving my brother" Liam said. "Now can someone please come and help him?" He pleaded. "I'll come" Niall said. Liam nodded, accepting any help and lead Niall to the bathroom where Louis was still sobbing.

Louis calmed down a bit at the sight of his brother but blushed when he saw a strange man come in. "Hi, you must be Louis. I hear you've got an upset tummy" Niall cooed and stepped forward. Louis nodded "hurts" he whimpered. Niall nodded in understanding and went over to him and started rubbing his belly. "Is that helping?" He asked softly. Louis nodded.

"Done" Louis mumbled after a few minutes. "Good job bud, want me to help you clean up?" Niall praised. Louis nodded shyly. Niall cleaned the boy up and picked him up. "Thankie" Louis yawned around the finger that had slipped into his mouth. The blonde carried the almost asleep boy out into the corridor where nancy, harry and Liam were talking. "Lou-Lou!" Liam exclaimed happily and ran over to his twin. "LiLi!" Louis made grabby hands for his brother. "Harry, I have an idea" Niall said. Harry looked up from watching the cute boys "I think I have the same idea" he smiled.

"Nancy, can we talk in your office?" Niall asked and the lady nodded and they headed back downstairs. Once they were sat down Nancy gave then a nodded for them to talk. "Well we were thinking that instead of taking just Liam, we would like to take Louis too" harry smiled. Nancy gave the men a weird look "are you sure you want Louis too?" She asked. The couple nodded "why wouldn't we want both of them?" Nancy sighed "because Louis has his tummy troubles and he's a shy boy. When people come and take the boys home with them they always bring them back! Of course they love Liam but he won't leave his twin" Nancy sighed.

"We're not the type of people to tell two kids we're going to be their new parents and then dump them back here again. We'd like to take the twins please" harry explained. She finally nodded and started filling out the forms "I'll go tell the boys and help them pack" Niall got up.

Liam was lying on the bed comforting Louis when they heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" Liam called. Niall stepped into the room and smiled at the pair "I have some good news for you" he smiled. "What is it?" Louis asked and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Me and my husband are taking you home with us. How does that sound?"

The two boys eyes widened and they both nodded quickly "be our daddies?" Louis asked quietly. Niall nodded. Louis climbed out of bed and made grabby hands for the man "daddy!" He squealed. Niall grinned at being called that so quickly and scooped the boy up. "Now lets get you packed" they all started grabbing things and putting them into the dusty suitcases.

They then made their way downstairs where Nancy and harry were waiting for them. "You guys all packed?" Harry smiled. Liam nodded while Louis looked at him sleepily. "Well I hope you guys will be happy with your new parents. I'll call in next week to check on how you are" Nancy nodded before waving them out the door.

Niall put the bags in the trunk before helping Liam put on his seatbelt while harry helped an almost asleep Louis. "Thanks daddy" Liam grinned. Niall smiled back and kissed his forehead before closing the door and climbing into the drivers seat. Harry soon got into the car and they were off to start their new lives together.

1D: A family of fourTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon