Chapter 2

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When they pulled up into the driveway Louis was sound asleep and Liam was looking curiously at the rather large house. "Do you like it?" Harry turned around in his seat. Liam nodded happily and unclipped his seatbelt. "Should we wake Louis?" Niall asked. "Nah, let him sleep babe" harry said and helped Liam out of the car. Niall nodded and unclipped Louis's seat belt and put him on his hip.

Harry started getting the bags out when Liam came over "can I help?" He asked innocently. "Sure Li, this one isn't that heavy" harry handed him the lightest bag. Liam took it and followed Niall into the house. Niall placed the sleeping boy on the sofa before turning to Liam. "How do you like your new home Li?" Liam grinned "I love it daddy!" He said happily and hugged the man.

After Liam had unpacked his and Louis's stuff into their new room he went downstairs to where Louis was stirring. "Liam!" Louis whimpered. Liam ran over and sat next to his twin "are you ok Lou?" He asked softly. Louis shook his head and started crying. "Aw Louis, what's wrong bud?" Harry walked into the room. "Hafta potty" the crying boy whimpered. "Come on then" harry took his hand and lead him to the downstairs bathroom.

Louis pulled his trousers down and harry helped him onto the seat. "Is your tummy still upset love?" Harry asked, concerned. Louis nodded and did his business. When he was done he made grabby hands for harry, wanting to be cuddled. Harry helped the boy clean up and then cuddled him. "Shall we go and watch a movie?" Louis nodded sleepily and let harry carry him back to the sitting room.

"Aw Louis, your belly not feeling good?" Niall cooed from the sofa where him and Liam were cuddling. He was really happy that the twins had become so close with them already. Louis only nodded and harry placed him down next to his husband.

"What film do you guys wanna watch?" Harry asked. "Can we watch Lion King?" Liam asked cutely. Louis nodded in agreement. "I don't see why not" Niall smiled and pulled Netflix up on the TV.

They watched the movie and a couple more before Niall ordered pizza. "What toppings do you guys want?" Niall asked, looking over the order menu. "Pepperoni please!" Liam grinned. "What about you Louis?" Harry asks softly. "Don't want anything" Louis whimpered as his tummy was still a little upset. "That's ok bud, I'll make you some soup later if your feeling better" Niall suggested. "Yes please daddy" Louis nodded and cuddled into Harrys side.

When the pizza arrived they decided to watch one more film while they ate and then put the kids to bed. "Come on guys, bed time" Niall said softly and picked up a very sleepy Louis. Liam stood up and followed his daddy upstairs to clean his teeth and get into his PJ's.

"Good night guys. Sleep well" Niall kissed Louis's and Liams forehead. Harry then copied his actions and then left. The couple decided to go to bed too and went to their room. "I'm so happy that we adopted them! They amazing!" Harry grinned and climbed onto the bed and snuggled into Nialls side. "Me too babe, we're all a family now."

1D: A family of fourDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora