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"Hermione!" Ron's terrified voice echoed over the river's rushing as the girl in question drifted further away and disappeared.

Should they chase after her? No, Harry decided quickly. If they couldn't shake off the Death Eaters, they would only put Hermione in more danger - especially if she wasn't in a good enough state to fight by the time they all caught up.

"Ron!" Harry called loudly, attempting to get everyone's attention. When the redhead hesitated, glancing down the river again, Harry maneuvered his broom closer, dodging the enemy spells that flew his way.

"Come on," the Boy Who Lived urged.

Another split second of hesitation and then Ron followed his best friend, trusting whatever the boy had planned.

The two zigzagged through the air dodging spells, and repeatedly zipped around trees to try and lose their pursuers. Harry didn't know how long or far they went, but eventually they hit a city.

It was there that the boys finally lost the Death Eaters - the buildings and zombies on the streets helped. For a little while, it looked like the dark wizards weren't going to give up their search, but then they convened and left the area.

It looked to Harry as if they had decided to stop because they hadn't wanted to hang around the undead very long.

The two boys were currently hovering on their brooms between two tall buildings. As soon as their pursuers left, Ron whispered in despair, "What're we gonna do about Hermione?! We've got to go back for her now, she could be anywhere, she could be found by them, or caught with undead, or--"

"Stop," Harry held up a hand, "She's fine; she's the brightest witch of our age, right?"

Harry sure hoped she was, but he needed Ron to be rational, so it was the only thing he could say for now.

When the redhead took a few calming breaths, Harry explained the reasoning behind escaping the Death Eaters before going back to look for Hermione. They would still have to be careful, of course. The dark wizards were likely still around the river area.

... But when the boys went back, they couldn't find Hermione anywhere along the river.

Not even a drowned body.

And the Death Eaters didn't have her, they thought, because they had been searching as well before they gave up and left for good. The boys saw them - and nearly got caught a second time. They had been saved by the wildlife in the forest when one wizard heard Ron step on some bush and rattled the leaves. Some kind of squirrel or other little rodent jumped out, startled, and the wizard had shrugged it off.

"Wait," Harry suddenly stopped during their search, "Didn't 'Mione say something about what to do if we ever got separated?"

"Did she?" Ron asked helplessly.

"Yeah, I remember now; the ministry building in London - we're supposed to meet there!"

"You think she's on her way there?"

"She has to be! She's not here," Harry pointed out. It was their only lead now, and he tried not to sound desperate.

They shared a look.

She had to be there.

What would they do without--

"Let's go!" Harry cut the thought short and flew off first.

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