Extended Profile

197 32 97


Cleomez is my pen name. Cleomez is a combination of my favorite flower, Cleome, and the letter 'z.'

Profile picture

Cleome, also called a spider flower.


I am a little older than my teeth. (Does it matter? I hope not.)


Female (Again, does it matter? I hope not.)


I like most types of music. Classical and country music are my favorites.


I enjoy nonfiction books on animals, plants and science. I read romance to escape or fall asleep. I occasionally read science fiction.


Reading, writing, fishing, gardening, crochet and observing nature and people

Education background

Biological sciences, Information Technology (data and databases)

Topics I find fascinating include

Behavior, emotions, and intelligence

How the body and mind work together

New medical technology

Mental health challenges

Parallel universes


Meditation (including mind/body connection)

Scientific discoveries (especially new species)

Animal/human relationships



Frequently my sneezes are so loud I frighten folks. (I'm serious!)

I cannot eat spicy hot foods (it burns!)

I hate peanut butter but love dry roasted unsalted peanuts (yes, that's odd)

Work on Wattpad

My work may reflect current or past experiences, a mix of truth and fiction, or entirely fictional scenarios. I write from a variety of age perspectives.

"Little Guy" is based on a little boy who is dear to my heart and visits me from time to time. Work that refers to him is often based on our experiences, but not necessarily one hundred percent accurate to the original experience. (You knew that, right?)


I started posting poems on Wattpad to get a feel for the environment and see if folks would like my work.

I'm considering expanding my Wattpad posts into short stories and longer works.

To my readers

Thank you for taking time to read my work and provide feedback. Your feedback helps me make directional decisions regarding my work (what works and what does not).


If there is anything else you would like to know, please add a comment and I will consider adding the requested information. Please refrain from requesting information that would specifically identify me or my location.

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