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[ A very belated happy new year my loves.]
Sunday, 7 January
8:52 PM.

" I hope,
that in 2018
the stars will shine a little brighter for you
and that you will still be happy
even if the sun comes up
after a beautiful night.

I hope,
that in 2018
you will try to love yourself
and that you will only have
positive energy around you.

I truly hope,
that in 2018
a lot of your dreams will come true
and you will be able to be proud of yourself.

This year has 365 days
and not every day is going to be good
but try to make the best of it,

because we all deserve it. "


Hi guys! I'm trying to be more active right now because I feel like I'm losing a lot of readers etc, and I just really want to update more. By the way! My new book Her Golden Touch is out! It's going to be a romance/ werewolf story, I already had the idea for a book like that for a very long time, but I was scared, I guess? I'm not very good at writing a summary, so I'm working on that! The first chapter is already out, and more will be out soon! I'm very excited about this so if you are interested, please go check it out! It would mean a lot to me!

Anyways, a poem about 2018. I'm kinda late lol, but I really wanted to post this. I understand that a new year doesn't immediately mean a new person or whatever, but it's a good time to start with something new, or try to achieve your goals! I wish you guys all the best this year!


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