The introduction

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Styles jr : aye,daddy my school gave us sum dumb project saying we gotta pick our hero and who we wanna be like and dad i pick you because well you my dad and you the boss of tings round here ya know een no body cuh step to you and play games"
Styles sr : lighting his black n mild "aight son imma be you lil hero but lemme tell you this story maybe you might change your mind you know rethink about having me as a hero" choking from the smoke
Styles jr : dad you know that stuff bad for ya ?
Styles sr : lil man you wanna hear this or not? Shut up and get my slipper we going for a lil drive."
Styles jr : where to?
Styles sr : to FRE'RAQ

Outing the black while hopping in the car looking at styles jr with a evil grin turning the turn on speeding out the drive way . After 16 minutes of drive they came to a holt at the edge of a crime infested neighborhood commonly known as fre raq.

Styles sr : "aight lil nigga you wanna hero , aight bet. Chuckling pointing at the oldest dirtiest building on the street. " there is where your hero was brought up , lets go inside lemme tell you the story of why they call this crap fre'raq and why im such a super hero"

They both walked to the old house police cars shooting pass the litter filled road ,drug addicts and  prostitutes parade the streets. Sounds of gun fire and loud cursing music ignite the atmosphere along with the sweet chorus of women screaming and fussing while children play and babies crying.

This is FRE'RAQ

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