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                        welcome to part 4 of account rates! ────── 


what will be rating  

 - Profile Picture: 10/10

- Header Image: 10/10

- Display Name: 10/10

- Bio: 10/10

-Book Covers: 10/10

 - Location: 10/10

-  Overall: 10/10

- bonus! if I put a " ☆" beside your user that means

 your account is one of my favorites.


How to be rated

( you have to follow all rules.)

1. Follow me (optional) and vote for this chapter and the chapter I rated you on.

2. Comment down what your wattpad theme is called or describe it and tag 3 people.

4. Add this to your library so you receive a notification of updates. (optional but recommend)

3. wait. The time varies on when ill be publishing your rate on how much free time I have or how much requests I receive so please be patient 


Warning: if you can't take any constructive criticism 

or opinions then please do not do this!

lullaby | account rates 4حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن