The peaceful night

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*In the morning*
"Oi." Levi nudged Eren abruptly and he sat up to look around a room that was not his own.
Eren then remembered the embrace of Levi's arms that had been around him through the night. He looked at Levi stretched out on the bed eyeing him with passive intent.
"I slept through the night." Eren shook a little from surprise.
Levi's eyes widened, "Is that rare for you?"
"Yes." Eren stretched, "so this is what rested is like."
"Apparently." Levi sat up his pillow behind him, he could understand that Eren slept rough but inwardly felt good that he had been able to sleep a few hours himself. Most nights Levi could get a solid two to three hours but last night had been a stellar four; the rest of the time he was happy just to hold Eren and watch him breath contently. Levi reflected deeply that the both of them were good for each other through the darkness of the night.
Levi let the pleasant thought pass, then he pointed to the window. "Oi, dawn is breaking. You should make it to your own room before anyone else wakes up."
Eren blushed, "right."
Levi waited but Eren did not make a move.
"Eren." Levi snapped. "Move it, brat!"
Eren winced like a scolded puppy, "I's just that I want to know if we can do that again." He licked his lips absently, "you we did yesterday."
Levi covered his mouth as he didn't want Eren to see him smiling. " No. We are not going to do that again."
"Oh?" Eren's voice was disappointed. "Okay."
Levi leaned over and kissed Eren on the cheek, "We are going to do something else."

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