[34] Fxxk It

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Areum's POV-

I trudged into my bedroom and fell face first onto my bed. I was sweaty and disgusting after practice today, but I don't give a damn right now. "God. . .,"I rolled over so that my legs were hanging off the bed, my back against the mattress, "Practice was horrible today. . .," I grumbled. I slowly but surely yanked off my shoes and socks, throwing them into some random corner of the room afterwards. I sighed heavily, "You need to start focusing, Areum. . .," I mumbled.

After lying on bed, checking out my sns accounts, I decided to hop into my bathtub to take warm bath. It's been a while since I've had one of those.

- - -

I let myself sink into the tub as I though of the past week and of today. I let go of another breath, "Why can't I just catch a break?. . ." I eyed my phone playing music and contemplated calling Minso to hang out with her this weekend. Eventually, I ended my short yet well deserved bath, and dried my hands to hold my phone.

"Let's see. . .-," I stopped scrolling through my phone quickly as I read a name from Wanna One: Bae JinYoung. I furrowed my brows in confusion and continued scrolling. . . Then I ran into another Wanna One gang member, Ha Sungwoon. "Huh. . . I guess they must've inserted their contacts before I left. . .," I murmured. My fingers wavered going onwards through the list to Minso's name, but my mind said 'Fxxk It,' and I called up Sungwoon.

After several moments of the ringtone, no one picked up, and I was convinced that he wasn't going to answer. "Areum? What's-" I hung up after a gasp, and nearly dropped my phone. "Shit. . . wasn't actually expecting him to pick up. . . Well then," I started talking to myself. I took a deep breath, calming myself down before trying again.

Sungwoon's POV-

"Hyung, I think your phone is ringing," Guanlin spoke up from the couch. "Okay," I stopped eating and headed towards my phone to see who was calling. "Areum?," I whispered quietly. "Hyung, who is it?," the baby chick asked out of curiosity. He paused his game and looked at me expectantly. "It's just some random number," I lied, "I'm gonna ask JinYoung if he can improve the fire walls or something." "O- Kay?," I heard Guanlin reply in confusion as I sprinted up the stairs to my room.

Once I was in the privacy of my room I quickly answered the phone. "Areum? Whats's- Huh?," I looked at my phone and I saw that the girl had hung up. "Rude. . .," I grumbled. I decided that it'd actually be good to give my phone to JinYoung so he can improve its security when Areum called again.

I picked up.

"You're not going to hang up are you?"

"Sorry are about that. . .," she chuckled awkwardly, "I didn't think you'd pick up."

"You have to expect the unexpected, Areum," I lectured playfully. I missed talking to her, "Anyways, why'd you call? Is something wrong?"

". . .No. . . Everything's alright. . .," she sighed.

"It sure doesn't sound like it," I retorted.

"I'm not in danger or anything like that. . . I'm just-. . .," she didn't say anything else.

"Just what? Come on- don't leave me hanging."

" . . .Is it possible for me to hang out with you guys again? For the weekend?," she asked.

"I'd have to ask Jisung Hyung, but chances are since it's your request: It'll be a yes," I assured as I began to smile, "As long as we don't have any schedules, it should be alright."

"Okay. . . call me back when you get an answer, alright?," Areum hung up.

I chuckled, "Once again, I didn't get to say 'goodbye,' Kang Areum."

- - -

"So will we be able to, Hyung?," I told and asked Jisung about the conversation with Areum.   "Well. . . Yes, none of us have duty this weekend, however. . . I'm worried," He stated, "I don't think Areum would ever do this, but we have to be cautious since she's an SM trainee now."   "Yeah. . .," I trailed off, ". . . So how about only a few of us go," I suggested, "That way not all of us are in danger in case it is a trap."  "Hmm. . . Works for me," Jisung nodded, "Question is. . . Who's it gonna be?" (BgA anyone?)

- - - The Next Day - - -

Areum's POV-
"AREUM-AH!!!!," I turned my head to see a sprinting otter coming my way. "Woah!," Daehwi tackled me into a hug and I almost stumbled, but I somehow managed to keep my balance. "It's been so long!," he fake cried. "It's been about 2 weeks," I retorted. "Pft," Daehwi huffed, "Way to ruin the sentimental moment." "My apologies," I rolled my eyes.

Walking up calmly behind Daehwi we're the other members of Wanna One's maknae like from Jihoon down.  "It's only the Maknae for today?," I questioned as the other five idols/gang members came closer.  "Yep!," Guanlin grinned,

"Today is the Maknaes, tomorrow are the Hyungs!" 

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