Imma slut

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Corinna pov

      My whole life I thought I had it planned well... I was young... Let's go wayyy back to when I was in Chicago...
Or in other words highschool..

Highschool days

Daxton-"hey baby"
Corinna- "hi"
Daxton- "my parents are not home wanna fuck"
Corinna- "um sure I will just say im at a friend's house"

Just like that, I went to fuck a boy that I didn't even know...

I mean I was a kid I honestly didn't know real love and it was fun to fuck about nine people in highschool lol I was a little baby wanting attention

I wasn't the only "hoe" in highschool I'm actually not that bad compared to others. My friend Jessi fucked 20 boys and 1 girl. She was a player. She is married in a happy relationship now.....

Forward a few months... I met my best friend.. the one that helps me to get money today...... David Dobrik

I used to have a crush on David its really funny to me now since he is not at all attractive lol

But he really did help me even if I'm the vlog's hoe O:-)

Now enough David talk it's my story lol let's go to the first time I had a boyfriend

His name was Justin

A major jock

He was my major crush

I mean everyone loved him... He was so sweet! He donated to Charity every week! And he was extreamly attractive.

Well I have this one friend named Danton he was friends with me and Justin

Danton- "guess what!"
Corinna- "Whattt bitch"
Danton- "Justin wants to date u"
Corinna- "HOLY FUCK"
Danton- "ooh girl u gonna get popular be careful"
Corinna- "what do u mean"
Danton- "idk I'm not the close with Justin but 1 day something bad happened and I saw it I'm not allowed to say this secret to keep being his friend but I love u and pls take my advice."
Corinna- "how bad can it be I mean he donates to fucking charity btw I gotta go I gotta be with my first boyfriend!"
Danton- "I warned u"

Ok first ligit chapter done... What do u think Corrina's boyfriend really is? What bad do u think he done? Well u will see next chapter btw my fanpage is lizas_son.  And I hope u liked this pls comment and vote lol.
Byeeeeee Se Se

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