History lesson (my past oooo)

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(((Probably a lot of misspellings okay it's Laibrook for crying out loud. Dedicated to my happiness, aw)))

Hi, my name is Laibrook Erikson Keener, I used to be Witt but how I'm married and yeah. Everyone always makes things about their past and I decided to talk about mine. So, this is the official story of me :) as told by me.

-clears throat-

Once upon a time, long ago, there was a lady named Emily Yewster She met this lad called Maritin Witt and they conceived a little baby hippo named Hazel Gemma Witt, she was my older sister.

They weren't married at the time and once they realized Hazel was to be born they got married. Yaaaaaaaaaay!

Pointless part wrapped up they got married and a few years later they made and had me, Laibrook Erikson Witt aw aw. A little baby giraffe :)

I was actually premature, I don't know if I've ever told anyone that but I lived for a few months in a little incubator thing and my dad left before I was able to come home. He ran off with some lady he met at the circus.

That what my mum said but I don't know how true it is, she's something else, okay.

So, I was a really happy baby, actually. I was always laughing and smiling. When i was a kid I always wanted everyone else to feel better and be happier than I was.

But, something I've never gotten to tell anyone, actually not even tiger (I'm sorry for that if you read this, baby, I just never thought to tell you) my uncle used to sexually assault me, and I don't mean like he raped me or anything of that nature but he had an odd fascination with little boys and their unmentionables and he used to touch me a lot. When I was little I didn't know it was bad but eventually I realized and told me mum, he's in jail currently for many many things.

After that everything got a little different.

I was different, I was t the brightest boy in the room anymore and I thought that what my uncle had done was my fault, like I was a bad kid so he did that /because/ I was a bad kid. I wasn't very logical.

Flash forward a little bit to high school. Freshman year.

My sister fell in love with a boy, his name was Gavin. They dated until I was a sophomore, and suddenly Gavin left her to be with someone else.

Much like my father actually.

So, now this is sort of a story time type deal.

It was a Thursday, and I'd just gotten home from school. I did what I normally did, it was truthfully just like any other day. I went to the kitchen and got a snack, ate a little and went upstairs to get Hazel (Gemma) so that we could hang out.

I didn't have any friends in high school okay, Gemma was my best friend.

So I go upstairs to her room and I heard music, so I didn't think to knock. I walked in and she was just dangling there.

She killed herself, for stupid reason as well. I loved Gemma with all of my heart and she was like my role model, and she killed herself because of some lad. I don't understand it as much as you all, it was dumb and I'd rather not go further into it.

I'll just say that she wanted to be sure she was dead, pills and rope.


It was just me and mum after that. Her and I were all each other had and we relied on each other heavily. No mother isn't dead, not at all and that's not how I'm ending this story.

Life went on as it should and I graduated.

I made some fiends after I got out of high school. Finally, some friends!

Well soon enough I met this stupid stupid stupid boy that goes by the name of tiger.

Mama didn't warn me about no tiger.

Tiger was the better point of my life, in his own words he was my "turning point".

I'm not going to go into grave detail because I've told our story numerous times.

I can say something else though.

Tiger has been my first /everything/. First kiss, love, "time", relationship and everything you could name. Dare I say it I'd go as far as to call him my first hope. He managed to take all the things that had happened in my life and make them all not matter, he made me happy again.

I was like that little baby Laibrook that always smiled and tried to make other people happier than I was, yanno? But that's not really possible anymore because I don't think anyone could be happier than me.

P.S. Tiger, my mum really, really, wants to meet you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2014 ⏰

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