Chapter 1

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I walked down the hall with confidence as every pair of eyes were on me. Being the new girl to Malibu High I expected a couple stares, but not a whole hallway. I kept my eyes on my feet, not wanting to engage in any kind of contact with another human being.

As I heard many loud shouts and a group of male laughter I allowed my eyes to search for the people causing it, but was then knocked down.

"Could you watch where the hell you're going?!" I yelled as one of the boys bumped into me. As I picked up my things I noticed a hand stretched out toward me. I looked up to see a very shocked, and hot, boy staring down at me. Instead of taking his hand and allowing him to help me up, I gave him one of my fallen books that were thrown out of my hand as he knocked into me.

Once I was up and standing and all of my possesions were in hand, the boy pushed passed me and mumbled a faint "sorry," with an angry tone.

"Excuse me?" I said in a rude tone as I turned around to face the boy, "Can you say that a little louder? I didn't hear you."

Looking at me with narrowed eyes he spoke a little louder, but did not change the angry tone in his face. "Sorry."

I shook it off, seeing no reason to continue the conversation seeing as it would go no where.

Stepping into the classroom I saw there were two seats left in the back. I sat down and pulled out my notebook ready to take notes for the science class. Then I placed my bookbag in the other chair behind me.

An obese male walked in and I examined him. He had gray hair and wore khakis with a black polo shirt and a lab apron.

"Hello class today we will be working with a lab so grab your partners." Met eyes with me and then looked back at the rest of the class. "Oh and we have a new student joining us this year." He looked at me with raised eyebrows, "Ms. Evans I am Mr. Hess. Please come up and introduce yourself to the class."

I reluctantly walked to the front of the classroom and introduced myself. But before I could begin I was interupted by a slighty familiar voice.

"Sorry I'm late dad I stopped to talk to Ms. Danielle and time flew." He said with a charming smile.

I internally screamed as I recognized the boy was the same one who I had just interacted with in the hall.

The class began to laugh as the boy referred to the teacher as 'dad.' I looked around with a confused face but no one seemed to be interested in telling me why it was so funny.

"It's fine Jake just don't let it happen again." Mr. Hess said rolling his eyes. I could tell this was an everyday thing for him.

"Anyway this is the new student Aria Evans. Aria do you want to tell us a little about yourself?"

"No, not really," I sighed, "but I guess I should. I just moved here from Florida. My mom and I move often, so don't get used to seeing me around, because, one day, I might be gone." With that I walked carefully back to my seat to find Jake sitting where my bookbag used to be.

"Hello there beautiful." He greeted me with a smile. I grimaced at his cockiness.

"Hello there gorgeous." I mocked him, settling back into my seat.

"Okay class everyone go grab an apron, goggles, and head to the lab tables." Mr. Hess explained.

I looked around the room and saw the lab tables were black granite lined around the walls. Jake took my things and lead me to a table.

"So how about a date this Saturday, you and me?" I almost busted out laughing.

"So how about I get a real apology and I will think about it." I told him and continued to write the lab results.

"Come on babe don't be like that." He said wraping his arms around my waist from behind.

I tried to wiggle my way put of his grip, but it was close to impossible. Growing irritated I took his finger and pulled it back to touch the back of his hand making him screech in pain. The class laughed at his girl scream as he shot me a look of hatred. I smiled in victory.

"First off, dont ever touch me again. Second, help me with this fucking lab."

I was honestly tired of his constant flirting. Can he not get a hint. It was obvious I was unintersted in any type of conversation with him. Sure the attention from an attractive boy was nice, but it was extremelly annoying to hear every minute. It was my first day at a new school, could he not give me a chance to get comfortable before 'making a move.'

Jake looked taken aback, almost as if no one had said those words to him before.

As I looked around the room I saw some of the girls in the class give me dirty looks. One mouthed slut to me. I chuckled. "Aww jealous?" I whispered. Only her and a couple other people heard me, including Jake. He almost died trying to hold back his laughter.

After fifth period I was on my way to my locker when I heard a familiar voice calling my name. "Aria, hey. Glad I could catch you. I am really sorry about this morning. I'm not much of a morning person." Jake said. Then he put two hands up by my head. I was stuck between his body and the lockers and smirked.

He backed up and pulled out a Sharpie then took my wrist and started writing something down.  "Call me sometime." He winked and walked away.

I stood there in shock and disgust. Why will he not leave me alone? Why must he continue to bother me?

"Well aren't you just lucky." A long blonde haired girl said from my left. I jumped still a little shaken up from what had just happened and noticed she was standing with three other people.

"Don't get too excited new girl. He does this to everyone." A dark haired one said. "He got me sophmore year."

"Yeah me and Erin fell for it over the summer and look who isn't a virgin anymore." A third one said pointing to the fourth one, who I assumed was Erin.

"Dont worry." Erin smiled. "We will help you." She wrapped her arm around mine. "So what is your next class?"

"Sweet!" The blonde one yelled taking the schedule from my hands, "You have lunch with us, lets go."

On my way to lunch I learned the girls names. Sabrina was the blonde one. Jessica, or Jess as she liked to be called, was the dark haired one and Christina was dirty blonde.

We walked into the cafeteria and all eyes were on me.

"Not many people yell at and turn down Jake Matthews." Christina whispered to me. I shrugged my shoulders not really caring for the stares, grabbed a salad, and sat down.

"Well hello." Someone whispered in my ear sending chills down my back. I turned around and found Jake.

"What could you possibly want?" I asked turning back to eat my salad.

"Why don't you join me at the other table." Jake asked turning his head towards a table filled with jocks and sluts. Well a better way to describe it would be demanded.

"No thank you."

I looked up to see the entire senior class staring at me. "Could you please mind your own damn busines. I would love to eat without people watching me." I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Most turned around and whispered things, obviously gossiping about the event that just occurred. Others were still staring in shock.

Jake was still standing over me. "Goodbye now." I waved. He walked away but looked back at me in confusion and anger.

"Holy shit that just happened." Jess pointed out.

"Thank you captain obvious." I smiled sarcastically and got up to throw my tray away.

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