My crush

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" Hyung!!  Wake up we're late for school " my annoying brother said jumping up and down on my bed.

" i swear Bambam if you don't stop it now I'll tell mom that you're dating that mushroom head "

" ugh hyung you're so mean and his name is Yugyeom not mushroom head " finally he walked out of room.

That's my brother Bambam and biggest tragedy of my life but you can't actually do anything about having a annoying sibling so i just dragged myself towards bathroom to get ready. 

After 15 minutes i was running through school gates because i was already late for first class.and my stupid excuse for a brother left me behind .

As i turned the corner of hallway --without slowing my speed because at that time everyone else was probably in their classes -- i went flying back in the direction I've come from and fell on my ass. Hmmph not everyone i guess .

" oww my butt is fractured i even heard the sound " i said massaging my butt.  Then i looked at the person i collided with and surprise!!!  Here my crush was standing right in front of me glaring down at me.   Well Fml .

Well done Park dumb Jimin your first interaction with your crush went to trash now you're officially king of pabos. You were so right Taehyungie.

" M-mihane s-sunbae " i stuttered and before he could say anything my eyes landed on the gift box sitting on floor beside me. 
Oh the thing inside box broke not my butt?

"S-sunbae I'm really sorry i b-broke your gift . I would pay back for it.  I'm really sorry " And before i could say anything else he picked the box and left without saying a word. 

I wasn't shocked though.  Why?  Let me tell you.

My crush Min Yoongi who happens to be my senior and one of the smartest students of our school . No one have ever seen him smile and he barely talks to anyone let alone having any friends. 

No one would bully him because if you do that would be the last thing you do.  Everyone is scared of him but that's why i like him and can't help it. And I'm not only one almost every girl and even guys want to get near him but no luck.

Slowly i dragged my not so broken ass towards my first calss and got scolded of course.

I took my seat next to Taehyung, my best friends and started sleeping.

" yah!  You can't be serious. Wake up and pay attention " Tae said

" Goodnight Taetae "

He just sighed and resumed jotting down notes. Let me tell you I'm the best student in my class but from bottom.

Finally after ages lunch break came my favorite lecture since childhood ( can you see Jackson Wang reference here?  )

Our group includes me, Tae, Bambam ,his boyfriend Yugyeom , Yugyeoms best friend Jungkook ,Hoseok hyung who's our senior but my friend from dance club and Jin hyung another senior from singing club.

" Hyungs and coconuts i have a breaking news". Tae yelled as soon as we settled on our table.

"  IU finally noticed Kookie? " Jin hyung said.

" hyung!  Stob it " Jungkook whined.  IU is our senior and Kookie's long time crush but too bad she never noticed him.

" Jimin got taller? " Bitch not this again.

" No but Jimin talked to his midget prince today" Tae said smiling ear to ear like a proud mother.

I'll give you a quick tip : never confide in your stupid best friend who doesn't have filters in his brain and mouth.

" what!!  You mean our chimchim actually talked to Min Yoongi??" Hobi almost fell of his chair .

" shhh! Hyung keep it down will you?  And only i talked he just galred and walked away so stop getting excited "

" hah!  Mom is going have a heartattack when he hears about her son dating a zombie " Bambam snickered

"Yah!  He's not a zombie and we're not dating . Don't you dare to tell mom about him "

" Oh i will for sure if you call my baby mushroom once again "

And they kept teasing me for rest of the day until last bell rang and i walked towards studio the only place i love in this school.

Me and Hobi hyung practiced for a while since we had lots of homework we left earlier than usual.

As he walked away in different direction ,i just started walking towards home only to be stopped by a hand holding my wrist from behind.

I was about to put my Karate practice into use when  the person spoke.

" woah! Wait there Karate kid!  " I must be going crazy because It was Min Yoongi standing there smirking at me.

"S-sunbae? "

" Hyung.  And let's go " i looked at him in confusion.

" what?  Don't tell me you forgot that you broke my expensive gift and promised to pay me back. Now time for payback. Let's go" i was too shocked to protest because :

1 my crush was holding my hand
2 he was talking to me
3 he just spoke for whole 10 seconds which is a record.
4 he asked me to call him hyung.

My first Yoonmin work i hope ypu like it.

Btw I'm writing is on OutcastD5 😂😂 and my brain is dead so don't mind if its shitty.

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