Mark Tuan x Depressed reader

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Depression was hard. It was like this constant dark cloud that loomed over my life. Constantly there, but unseen to any untrained eye. Sometimes, the cloud would keep me restricted to my bed, sometimes it would make me not eat - feeling as if it had forced itself into me and I no longer felt the need to eat - sometimes it would make me so hungry that I can't stop eating. Predominantly though, depression made me regret my existence. Not a regret in that I no longer wished to live, but in the fact that I felt like I simply existed for no reason, like I wasn't actually living. I was simply existing to conform to society.

Depression made me sad - not the cry kind of sad, but the kind of sad that made me not enjoy most things. The one thing - the one person - that was able to cut through the depression and make me receive a small shimmer of happiness was the famous K-Pop idol - Mark Tuan. 

Mark Tuan, a singer in the K-pop, boy band, Got7. The way how at first, he was shy and quiet. Through the first season of 'Reality Got7', how most of the other boys did the talking and he'd rather sit and watch - observe almost. How when he first meets someone, he's shy and doesn't talk much and how JB made fun of him by saying he wanted to know what it was like to be Mark so he could experience what it was like to live with glue on his lips. 

Then how he became a little more confident, how he spoke more and achieved more screen time then previous events. How he interacted with the boys more on camera - how he interacted with the camera more. 

Mark's cute smile, his peace signs with the longer tee-shirt that gives him sweater- paw, making it even more adorable. How his baby-like face was complimented by his white teeth and sometimes a cheeky smile. His cute little antics when the camera is focused on another member, or his actions when the other members have their back turned.

To me, he was perfect. To me, he was totally out of reach and I wasn't the only one who knew it. The one friend that I thought I could trust with my thoughts. He shattered my thoughts. While I was struggling to stay above my depression, my friend pointed out the obvious. He sent me multiple texts stating that it was almost impossible to meet Mark and I probably never would and even if I did, he would never acknowledge me, I would simply be lost in the crowd of fans, that were Got7's fanbase. Even though I knew this, even though I was aware, my friend saying it out loud, made it all the more real, all the more painful for me.

Even despite my friends words, I decided to attend the Got7 concert. I got pre-sale tickets of the gold kind. Meaning that I would get to meet the Got7 members and chat with them for five minutes. Even though I would just be a face in the crowd to them, I was ecstatic. I would finally get to meet the boy who helped me through my depression - through my darkest days - through the days where I question whether it was even worth waking up, let alone getting up.

The concert finally arrived and I had gotten over what my friend had texted me. In that time, I even had a person befriend me and ended up going to the concert with me. She had gold too, wishing to see her favourite - Youngjae.

The concert was finally over and the meet and greets were officially in progress. Because we were getting food, we were the last in line to meet the boys, but to me, it didn't matter, I was just happy I could get this opportunity. As the line grew smaller and smaller, my anticipation grew stronger and stronger, until we were standing right by the door to enter.

Once we entered, all eyes were on us. Seven boys all looking and smiling at the two timid people in front of them. Each of them greeted us and we greeted back, right as I was about to praise Mark, my new friend cut in.

"Mark-Si! I know this is strange but my friend over here - (First name) - had someone tell her that you would never recognise her and she would only ever be a face in the crowd." 

My friend brought out a print screen of the texts and handed them to Mark. Mark looked up to me as I shied away from his gaze. He looked back to the paper as I looked back to him. He pulled out a pen and wrote something before handing it back to my friend. He then walked a little over to me, he knelled and gave my hand a kiss before standing back up. 

As Mark was knelling, I heard a camera snapshot and looked over to see my friend taking a photo.

After the meet and greet finished, my friend showed me the photo. My cheeks were of the crimson kind and I stood a little rigid. Mark was gazing up at me while holding my hand delicately. My friend then took a photo of the print screened texts and handed the pages over to me. On the pages was a small note written from Mark.

"Dear (First name),

Thank you for your continuous support of Got7, we wouldn't be anywhere without you and you aren't just another face in the crowd. You looked very beautiful tonight.

Mark from Got7'

With a signature underneath.

This was one of the happiest days I've had in a long time, and I owed it all to my idol, Mark Tuan.

I later got a text from my old friend apologising because he saw the message and the photo of Mark kissing my hand became trending on Instagram after my friend posted it and tagged me.

About a week after, Mark followed me on Instagram, he never fails to amaze me with kindness.

A little bit of fluff for a fan rather than romance.

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