Chapter 2: Recognition

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I'm back again, but this time with a new chapter of the story.


Chapter 2: Recognition

Unknown P.O.V:

As soon as we stepped foot into the place, my eyes widen. This place... It's the Temple of the Goddess, a place of safety in case any invasions got too bad. Well, what's left of it. I drew a shaky breath while trying to stop the shaking of my hands. Get your act together! You are a warrior fighting for Harmony. Your feelings will only get in the way. Not a second too soon, my previous expression appeared once more.

Zero began to wander around, looking at everything with wonder or familiarity. I could not tell from where I was. But just as quickly as he did so, Four moved towards him, grabbing his shoulder in the process, stopping him. Zero looks back at him without a word as Four silently stares back at him for a few moments before speaking, "You shouldn't wander around the mission site. Especially since Nine hasn't given any of us instructions."

I gave a dry, but hollow chuckle, "I'm sorry to point this out, but Nine isn't here at the moment." The two men looked to where Nine previously was. Zero shakes off Four's hand and begins to walk further down the empty corridors of the temple. Four merely watches him with a bit of irritation etched in his features.

"Aish, here even...?" I watched with a suppressed amusement as Four muttered under his breath while walking to who knows where. With Four distracted, Zero uses this as his opportunity to explore the temple ruins. He glances back at me as he stops to touch, and examine one of the statues which so happens to be a figure clad in a flowing Greek-like dress that he is caressing.

"Do you know who this statue is supposed to be?" he asked trying to confirm something from me. My lips pressed into a thin line, and my eyes darted to the side hoping that my expression did not betray what I knew. However, I did not see the glint in his eyes and the smirk playing on his face.

"We could narrow it down based on the location, to the god or gods that were worshiped here. I can run a search...," Nine spoke as he appeared at my side. The male starts to stare at another statue. Suddenly, Four appears on the other side of Nine, clearly annoyed at the fact that the two of them weren't taking this seriously.

"Have you all forgotten that we're here on a mission? And this girl can leave now. She's done her part."

Anger begins to swell up from deep within me. I bit the inside of my cheeks, tasting the metallic liquid mixing with my saliva. Before I could say anything, Nine's comment made all the rage disappear in a blink of an eye.

"Even if we are working... I think it's always good to take time out to learn about the world around us if we can because we might not get another chance like this."

Four gives Nine a glare. "Even so, work is work. And this is Zero's first mission outside of Olympia. We should be—" I quickly pulled out my bow from earlier ready my Holy Arrow. Both Four and Zero quickly noticed my sudden behavior and quickly turned in different directions. Four quickly moves away from us as quietly as possible while Zero puts himself in front of Nine and me defensively.

"Were you expecting someone?" I asked. A voice quickly replies to my question, "We weren't."

Several figures, clad familiar white and red habit tailing off into a half skirt covered with intricate silver and yellow markings, stood before us. They were wearing boots, large white hoods with masks covering the top half of their faces. The males had coverings on their arms and legs. As for the females, they have bare arms and legs. Each of them were wielding a rusty gold colored ax that was similar to my deceased father's Anubys. Four was nowhere to be seen as for Zero, he watches the hooded figures like a hawk. Nine suddenly begins to speak to the men, "This is your hideout, right? Sorry to intrude..."

To the Very Edge of the SkyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon