When You Meet (Some Long Scenes)

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You recently been having problems with your family, and you haven't been taking it so good. Your parents were fighting a lot, and you, yourself, had been failing a couple classes because of them. With so much conflict building on top of one another you'd decided that getting away from the house for a while would be a good idea. You know, fresh air, butterfly, trees, and all that good stuff to get your mind off the problems. So after a while, you made your way out to the forest behind your house. Though, because you had no sense of direction (if you do, you don't now), you were easily lost, just standing there like a lost puppy.

"Ah, crud," you grumbled to yourself, looking around at the multiplied chooses of paths. Shrugging, you went down a random path. Eventually you came up to an old silo that, in it's conditions, it hasn't been used for years. Furrowing you brows, you began to walk around the silo, but only to stop in your tracks when you saw a note stuck to the silo; the sight of the note sending nerve wrecking chills down your back. Carefully you made your way over to note, squatting down to look at the note better. "Always watches. No eyes," you read out loud. Confused, you were about to rip the page from the silo when you felt something wrap around your waist.

"I wouldn't rip off that page if you want to keep your life, child," you heard a deep voice say in your head. Slowly, you turned your head around a little to look at the person who was holding you back from much movement. There, behind you, was a pale man with no face. I REPEAT, NO FACE! FREAK OUT MODE ACTIVATED! You were going to scream, when a sudden, or what seem to be, black tentacle cover your mouth. "Don't scream or then I will HAVE to kill you. Dear, I noticed that you seemed lost. Am I correct?" All you could do was nod. "Then allow me to take you out of the forest, my dear, but on one condition. You must come back here, and meet me again." You nodded, and smiled despite the tentacle around your mouth. He then took you almost all the way out of the forest, told you the rest of the way home, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

You had no idea why you agreed, but you didn't care. You found him...cute, even with out a face.

+Jeff The Killer 

You grumble as you tossed, and turned; desperately trying to sleep. It was possibly around three in the morning, and you had a huge headache, and the medication wasn't doing anything but keeping you up all night. Suddenly you heard your door creak open, though you just pushed it off as your parents, and scrunched your eyes closed harder. Then you remember something. 

Your parents were on vacation, and they wouldn't be coming back for another week.

"Go to sleep," you heard someone whisper, as you felt the cold hard tip  of a knife on your neck. Your eyes shot open, now seeing Jeff the Killer. 'You gotta be fucking kidding me,' you thought to yourself as you glared at the man with the permanent smile.

"That's what I'm trying to do, smartass! Kill me some other day!" you yelled grabbing your pillow, hitting Jeff with it. Shocked, Jeff stumbled back a bit, then smirked as he shot you a glare.

"Sassy, and hot! I like that, but don't get ahead of yourself, babe. I'll be back, so keep your blood warm till we meet again," Jeff said, suddenly noticing the time. Jeff rushed over to the window, you watching him with an angry glare as he hopped out of it, running away from your house.

"AT LEAST SHUT MY WINDOW, AND BEDROOM DOOR, ASSHOLE!" You screamed, though you knew he was already gone. Grunting you rolled out of your bed, and had to shut the objects yourself; the image of your creepy, yet hot, attempted killer still in your mind.

+BEN Drowned 

You were being a genius and was playing a free Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask game cartridge that you had gotten from some random garage sale that was hosted by a creepy old man. The weirdest thing was that their was no original label on the game, just the name 'BEN' which kinda scared you a little. Though, as I said, you were still playing the game because you thought it would be fine. Though after a while things started to get....weird, no, crazy. Bat-shit crazy. I mean, Link floating up into the air, and burning strange. Getting frustrated, you decided to get some more snacks considering you've ate all your previous snacks. 

"Something's seriously wrong with that game," you grumble as you dig threw cabinets, pulling out tons of junk food.

"I don't think it's so bad, I find it quite....fun~!" Someone suddenly said behind you making you drop your plastic container of donuts, and spin around quickly, a boy that looked like Link with bloody eyes. Shocked, and confused, you furrow your brows as your mouth hung open. "What's wrong, Babe? Never seen a killer as hot as me before?" 

'Wow, this guy has an ego," you though as you glanced around for something to defend yourself. You quickly grabbed a bottle of water that was nearby. Why you just had to grab that when there was knives not to far away from you is beyond me. You glared at the guy who was a little smaller then you, pointing the water bottle at him. "Come any closer, and I'll drench you, fucker!" you yelled defensively. The guy's eyes went wide as he eyed the the water, backing up carefully. 'Wait. It's working?! HELL YEAH!' you thought happily. Suddenly, the guy ran out of the kitchen, and back into the living room. You chased after him, only to find that he had disappeared, but there was a message on your t.v. screen.

"This isn't over, Hot Stuff. To bad you're stuck with me now. fOh, and Hot Stuff, forget the water next time. Water isn't the right way for fun. ;)" read the note. Your face flush a billion shades of red as you were lost for words.

+Eyeless Jack

 You were sleeping soundly on top of your covers, your entire body sprawled across your bed. It was another hot summer night, and you were just wearing your undergarments, and some shorts to bed. 

Though, even though you were a heavy sleeper, you shot awake when you felt a sharp pain near your rib cage. There, above you, was Eyeless Jack, a kidney in his hand. You look at him for a little bit then looked down a bit, and noticed you were cut up. Eyeless Jack was stealing your kidney.

"Uh....I didn't expect you to wake up....um, hi?" Jack said awkwardly, your kidney still in his hands.

"You know what, keep the damn kidney. Just sew me back up, m'kay," you grumble, absolutely done with everything. The heat mostly putting you in a prissy mood. You closed your eyes, and started to fall back asleep, but not before you hear a happy, man like, squeal, and a thousand sentences, though you only made out a few.

"Oh my god. My new best friend! I'm so coming back here."


You were walking threw multiple alleys, snacking on your famous homemade pancakes as you were trying to get to your friends house. You, personally, didn't like walking near the crowed roads, and side walks so you often just took the more quieter path, and that was the alley ways. Even though you like the alley ways your friend didn't like them at all. Mostly because she was scared for your safety. Recently, there had been a lot of killings in alley ways through out the whole week, and your friend was just scared you would die, too.

Making your way out of one alley, you suddenly heard muffled screams coming from a different alley way not to far off track. Curiosity panning your thoughts, you made your way over to the start of the alley way only to find out that the once muffled screams, that were now silenced, came from a now a chopped up man. Eyes widen in fear you skittered over to the alone man seeing that he been more brutally hacked in the chest, and neck then anywhere else. You backed away fear rushing to every nerve, and a now sudden ticking wasn't helping. Though the worst part is that it sounded like it was right behind you. Slowly you turned around, your eyes growing wider then saucers. 

There was a man, possibly around 18, 19. His yellow tinted goggles seemed to glow by the moon, and so did his bloody axe he had risen to chop you into pieces. Scared nearly shitless, you suddenly raise you container of pancakes, hiding you face behind it.

"Wait a second! Hey! Are those pancakes? Can I have some?" The guy asked, which took you back a little as he lowered his axe.

"H-huh? S-sure?" You stuttered, still scared for your life. You hold out the container, and the guy takes it happily.

"Thanks girl! I'll spare you for now, but we'll meet again! Oh! Come back here, and bring more pancakes!" The guy started saying quickly, then dashed away; leaving you with a dead body, and a faint blush on your cheeks.

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