[2] Good bye father

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The sight around her was... frightening. She couldn't understand how all of this could've happened the same time she was in school, unnoticed of all of this. People were running around in panick, packing their cars while shoving their kids in the backseat at the same time. Houses were left in a hurry, as doors stood wide open. Alena continued to drive towards their house while Madison stared in shock at the sight in front of her.

Alena pulled up in their driveway and turned off the engine.

"Come on," she said as she got out of the car. "Only pack important things like waterbottles, batteries, flashlights, canned foods, etc."

Madison nodded in response and ran up the stairs towards her room, while Alena went into the kitchen. She went to their pantry and opened the door. She grabbed the backpack laying beside the stairs and filled it with all sorts of canned food and waterbottles. She then went to the cabinet that contained flashlights and batteries, and packed the backpack with that too.

She walked up the stairs towards her room and towards her closet. She changed out of her black skinny jeans to her camo cargo pants she used to wear when her dad took her out hunting, and her shirt to a sweatshirt. She then took off her converse and put on her combat boots, and stood up.

She took a step back and admired her room. This was probably the last time she was going to see it, and she wanted to take on last good look. She had so many memories from here, memories she never wanted to let go. Photos of her and her family were plastered all over the walls, and she walked over to her favourite one. It was from last summer, when they all went to her grandparents house. It was taken when they all were out by the beach, every single face plastered with a smile. She took down the photo and put it carefully into her backpack. She sighed as she finally walked out the door and closed it. She walked over to Madison's room and opened the door.

"You can't wear that, you'll be eaten alive," Alena stated as she pointed at her sisters uggs and leggings. "You gotta wear something with thick fabric, like these," she continued and pointed at her cargo pants.

"But I don't have anything like that," Madison responded as she scrunched up her nose at her sisters pants.

"Fine, just wear a pair of jeans and your combat boots, and hurry."

Madison nodded as she quickly changed into the outfit her older sister suggested, and grabbed her backpack.

"Alright, if there's anything else you need, get it right now. I'm just grabbing one last thing then we'll leave," Alena said as she walked towards their parents bedroom.

She walked towards her parents shared closet, and took out the shoebox from the floor. She carried the box towards the bed, and sat down. She opened the lid and took out the heavy object. A gun.

"Only use this if there's an emergency, okay?" she repeated her father's words in her head.

Alena knew how to handle a gun, thanks to her father taking her out hunting and to the shooting range. She held the object with caution as she looked at it. She had held one before, so this was nothing new, only the other times she was at a shooting range. Not in the midst of the apocalypse. Her mind flooded with thoughts, thoughts on how she might have to use this on someone, a person.

She shook off the uneasy feeling, and checked to see if the safety was on. She put the loaded gun in her backpack, with a few extra bullet aswell, and closed the backpack.

"Done?" she asked Madison as she walked out of the room.

"Yep," Madison responded.

The two girls began walking down the stairs, but Alena quickly stopped once she noticed someone in the corner of the living room.

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