Prolouge: In Need of a Safe Haven

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A/N: I will be using the first few chapters to set up the scene. If you don't like that I haven't added in Paps of Sans right off the hop, I'm sorry. They will be coming in for it is to do with them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Oh and the story near the end is my version of an old Russian fairy tale

{Narrator POV}

Deep in the Canadian Rocky mountains, there lies a small village in a valley. There was a nice woman, Fionna that was with child, though she feared that the village would kill her child for she was not of pure human decent. The child that was in question was the daughter of one of the four great monsters, Morozka, otherwise known as 'Old Man Winter'. She had been kind to him the previous winter, that unfortunate was a harsh one.

The village that she lived in was the one that sealed away the monsters, so if they a) found out that they missed some and b) found out that she had slept with one of them. So, in fear that her family and friends would turn on her, she grabbed her things from her house.

"Don't worry my child," she cooed while rubbing her swollen stomach, "no one will harm you as long as I live."

She continued to put her things into her bag, then turned to her study. I say study, but really it was her magic-craft room, where she kept her spellbook and charms. She mainly dabbled in healing charms and protection spells, such as the ones that sealed the monsters in. Fionna grabbed her satchel and her cloak from in the darkened room, put her 2 spellbooks in the bag, as well as her 3 newest charms she had made.

I hope that I am not too late to escape. I know that there is an abandoned village at the base of Mt Ebott , perhaps I can go there... Fionna thought to herself as she attached the wagon her her horse James. One of the Villagers, and elderly woman, wandered up to her as she was loading her things into the wagon.

"What might you be doing, dear Fionna?" She asked, a small smile upon her face.

"Oh, I am going to the west to collect some more wormwood for a new charm I am working on. It should only be a 5 day trek there and back." Fionna replied, repeating what she had been rehearsing the night before. She sighed when the old lady nodded and gave her blessing and prayers for the journey. She saddled up and rode off.

~Time skip, cuz no one wants a birthing scene, that and changing diapers??~

It has been 4 years since she left her home village, and she has been working away to build back up the run-down village. Luckily it was far enough away from normal humans, but close enough to get the supplies she needed. Her daughter, young Crystal Morozka. Fionna couldn't remember whether it was that they had to combine their first names, or just their names in general. Either way, Crystal is her name now.

{Fionna's POV}

"Mommy! Mommy!! Can you tell me about daddy again?" Cryssy called, beaming while in her new pajamas. I picked her up, taking her to her room and tucking her in. I sit beside her, and smiled softly at her.

"Once upon a time," I started, "there lived an old widower and his daughter. Now, it had been years since his wife had died, and he didn't want his little girl to grow up without one. So he married the only other woman in his village, who herself was a widow with a daughter of her own. Years after they got married, his daughter turned of age. Her step mom--"

"Are step moms always evil??" Little Crystal asked, a tiny yawn escaping her mouth. I shock my head. "Not always, but sometimes, yes." I cleared my throat again, continuing with my story.

"Her step mom sent her out to go and get a rare flower that only bloomed at night. So, the naïve girl set out at nightfall into the woods behind their home. At about midnight she grew weary and set up a camp fire. Little did she know that a man was watching her from the depths of the forest. He called out 'Are you alright?' Then she responded, 'Y-yes,' Though she was shivering, he came closer. He asked again, 'Are you cold, deary?' And of course, she responded, 'I'm a-alright. I h-h-have my fire.' Pleased with this answer, the mystery man came right up to her and sat beside her, the air around him seemed to freeze the air around her, and she was in just a thin cloak. He looked her in the eye, his look fuzzy due to the icy air. 'Are you alright still?' He asked, and her only response that she could give was a nod. The man took pitty on the girl, giving her his cloak, a heavy fur lined one. She started to warm up and she told him what he came out for in the first place. The man nodded and went to get get it for her. When he returned, he brought a bouquet of them, as well as a small chest of jewels and gems to give to her. Once morning broke, she returned to her family. Though her step mother was preparing pancakes, the mourning death food, as she had hoped that the of age maiden had perished through the night. Once she found out that she had made it through the night and increasing her dowry, the next night she sent out her own daughter in hopes to get that as well. Her daughter made the fire right away at nightfall. She was shivering like crazy already when the man appeared once again to the younger girl. 'Are you cold, dear child?' He asked from the same spot as the night before. 'YES I AM!!' The girl yelled, taking the man aback. He came closer, thinking she was just agitated due to the cold. 'How are you now?' He questioned, and the girl just stuck out her tongue at the man, and that just aggravated the man. He came up right behind her, the effect the same as the night before. 'Are. You. Fine?' He growled out, mad at the young girl for the rude behavior. 'N-n-n-no..?' The girl questioned, turning her head to see the man clearly. He looked like a giant rabbit with deer antlers with black eyes with rage. The next morning the old lady went out to search, only to find--"

"She was dead, right mommy?" Cryssy yawned out, almost asleep. "Yes hunny, she was. The man didn't like that she was rude to her," I finished, kissing her on the head.

"Can I hear about Daddy's brother and sisters?" She asked, almost asleep. I sighed, getting comfy once more.

"Well, your daddy is the oldest of 4 monsters. There is Your daddy Morozka, who is known as old man winter, who looks like a snowshoe hare with buck antlers. Then there is the second oldest is Zeegwung, she is Spring, and the life after the harsh winter. She looks like a a red fox with green eyes. Then there is the third child, Urdu, the being of summer that looks like a giant, humanoid African Silverbill. And finally, there is Fhómhair, the monster of autumn. He looks like a tall badger, though a friendly one. They--" I trailed off when I realized my little girl had fallen asleep. I get up, kissing her once more, then quietly exited her room, turning off the lights.

"Goodnight, my little snowflake." I whispered, closing the door behind me.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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