Chapter 2

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Hey y'all, this is my first fanfiction so don't judge me, non of this is not part of my life and I'm on my iPod so don't judge my mistakes I hope you all like it so Baiiiii

Kellie's. P.O.V.

Tonight is gonna be another one of those nights alone in fear dreading for my father to come home, he is a abusive father who is also a heavy drinker, the reason for all of this is my mother who had died 3 years ago from cancer, he never use to be like this he use to be supportive but now he is an abusive father. Just to say yes I do cut, I try to stop it but I can't, my dad makes it 1000 times worse. So to stop it I am going to run away from my hometown in Smithfield, NSW, Australia and live in L.A. ( i done that because I don't know how to spell L.A. Don't judge me). I'm doing this to get away from my abusive father and the school I'm at because everyone bullies me even the nerds, they give me bruises and all marks. Tonight is that night I'm nervous I hope everything goes as planned, so I'm gonna go start packing my bag.

1 hr Later

I have finished packing my bags, and I have snuck out and have gotten a taxi to the airport. When I arrived I gotten onto my plane as fast as I could. 5 minutes later a tall brownish-blond sat next to me who looked about my age, 20 with emerald green eyes, with a smile that can make anyone happy even someone like me.

"Hello??" I heard the boy say, waving his hands around I snapped back to realisation. "hi" was all I could say.

"Hi I'm Connor Franta" Connor said

"Hi I'm kellie mcgan" I said as we shook hands. I remember that face and name from somewhere but I can remember.

"I've seen u somewhere but I can't remember" I accidentally blurted out

"Oh yer I'm a Youtuber" he said as he blushed a little, that's where I remember you from but he lives in America

"But don't you live in America?" I say not thinking it through.

"Yer but I just went we for the greet and meet so I'm going back to L.A."
"Why are you going to L.A???

Should I tell him or not i don't know, I'm so confused. ill just tell him part of it. "well I kinda ran away from home" I said look down at my feet.

He responded with a "why??"

I slowly said "because of my father"
He just looked at me with concerned face, he was speechless.

All of a sudden he said "I'm sorry to hear that but what happened to your mother???"

I slowly responded "she died 3 years ago"

Conor's P.O.V.

I felt sad for her she had a lot to go through wen though I never felt that but I could tell she needed help and support so I asked "can I have your phone for a minute??"

She handed he her phone and I wrote down my number, and handed her phone back. "I gave you my number if u need any support I'm there for you ok??"

She just smiled, so I smiled too.

15hr Later (idk how long it takes for the flight so don't judge me ok??)

I said bye to her we as I got off the plane, and looked for my friends who live with me AKA O2L so yer, they were on the same plane as me but different seating.

We went into a bro hug things and said "we saw you with that girl next to you, who is she??" should i tell them idk I probably should maybe half of it
"Well..... She recognised me from YouTube apparently she ran away from her father because he is an abusive father and yer" I half smile
They just nodded because they were both speechless.

You saved me (Connor Franta fanfiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now