Coming to take me away, Haha

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What the News was saying about me, was it even true? Besides, not many could depend on what the News spoke of nowadays so I've heard before by eavesdropping on community company. I am so unaware of what I've got myself into. I can't tell who or of what I am turning into, what I am becoming. I don't no any longer of what I long for but every day, I'm cold. My heart hammering behind a cage which is made of the most hard, ivory bone but not so very durable.

I've had felt what it's like to have those bones bend against my own ability, unintended. I wish to clothe myself, to hold my comforter closer for even the smallest bit of comfort but not even the littlest things have much comfort in them anymore.

I've grown tired; exhausted even. Every evening, nearing midnight I hear this voice entering my mind and begging me to seek it. Desperate, I cling to the only thing in which I can, having lost pretty much everyone in my path. My family, my daughter, I've lost them because of me- I am so very sure of it. I may have lost control before but I won't do it again, it's beyond my list of wants.

Needing to realize that there are matters of more important things in my life than my ability to strictly bound myself to my  'unfulfilled desires' and what I seek to ravage nightly. Thus, in my head, this voice; he calls to me. Promises on top of promises. There I was, on my knees, begging to a god I sought to believe; at my weakest point in my seemingly worthless existence when I had heard it. 

His voice.

So smoothly, he spoke to me. I would have liked to think he was of God, himself, such a suave and delicate tone; convincing in all of it's effortless approach. As I had listened, I lowered my clasped hands and raised my chin to the beam of moonlight illuminating upon my tear-stained expression; matted sweat streaking in highlights of my near graying hair. Being young, not so very physically (an attractive man, I'd think) but mature.

In the moment, I had been fixated on that pure, full moon. My blue hues searching it as I searched the emptiness of my soul. "Won't you ask me to enter," He spoke so clear to me. "My patience, it wears thin."

Startled by this voice I hear, even if I so happened to have been eager to hear it once more. I shook internally, my insides loosened from tension as I began to grow humbled by this very sound itself. The gentle, stern voice that shook me. However, even if fate allowed, I couldn't necessarily answer him, no. I refused to give in to whatever this person had wished of me.

On the other hand, there were answers I sought to questions in which I've had for so long. "Where are you, I hear your voice, I'm certain of it!"

"I am everywhere," The voice would address me further, resulting in my full attention again. "I am the comfort in which you cling, water in your glass. Moon and meal! I am the shadow of the triumph in which you seek."

Though, profusely, I'd shake my head and inch away from the corner of my bedroom. "Haven't I told you, I've said it before. I've no intentions to lend my body for your crooked hands no more? I withdraw my promises, if any I've made. I've fallen in too deep this time, no!" I couldn't bear it. I needed whatever sanity I have left to keep and I knew what this voice wanted from me and this, he shouldn't have at all.

"I will not be the Devil's accomplice, at your feet, I have kneeled-,"

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