A/N Explanation for the Inconsitancies!

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A/N ALRIGHT!  So I decide to read this story today, and I realized. . . THERE'S A LOT OF F'ING INCONSISTENCIES!  I'd like to clear up the main ones that I noticed and that are Areum's parents and the audition for SM. 

First off: Areum's parents are both Korean, HOWEVER! her mother is half Korean.
- Areum's Mom's name is Allison Choi (not Lee) and her father is Korean while her mom is American
- Basically what happened with Choi SooYoung being Areum's sister: Areum's mom had an affair with another man with the last name Choi before meeting Areum's and Sehun's father. The man decided to keep SooYoung, and Areum's mom never got to be a mother to her.

- Areum's Parents are THE SAME AS SEHUN'S PARENTS!
- Areum is 100% Sehun's little sister
-Areum is SooYoung's half sister since ONLY THEIR MOM IS THE SAME!

- Oh Seungjoon is Sehun and Areum's father!  He switched his last name to Yoo after Sehun kept failing to make it to SM. 
- Areum was given to Kang Seulgi's family to the financial instability of the Oh's.  This was BEFORE the family changed their name to Yoo.
- Sehun kept the Oh family name though.

- Areum's Parents are still together, but rarely contact each other due to their jobs

- Areum's Real name is Oh Hana; Hana being the name given by her parents.  Areum was given by Seulgi's parents

Okay! So. . . I will say this right now: I dun diddly messed the fuck up the auditions. . .
But to clear everything up:

- The first audition when TAEYONG led her in the building was an INTERVIEW, and Areum passed it

- The second audition she does when MARK leads her into the building is the ACTUAL audition for talent, and she passes that one too!


So yeah. . . I basically forgot that Areum did the first audition, and made her do a second, but you know what. . . I'm sticking with the explanation I just wrote so there!

If there are any other inconsistencies that are in this story (And God knows there are more. . .) That you want me to clear up, leave a comment, and I'll do a part 2 sometime or explain it in the story. . . Somehow! :)

'Till now it's been Aria. . .


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