Protected by the Enemy

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"Dougall! You didn't have to hit so hard!" I yelled at the warlock who had just dropped my unconscious prisoner, no; ward,  on the ground. He quickly kneeled and bowed to me.

"Sorry my queen. But he had begun to insult myself as well as the other lillith who just saved his ass!" I sighed. 

"We are not lilith. That is the hateful name the humans call us. We are Osma. The humans will accept us one day. For now, we must try to be at peace." 

"But he threatens us, even as he is an enemy of his own people."

"I know." Dougall gave me a nod, and excused himself. Other Osma around us continue on with their business as well.  I sighed. All three of them are here. James,Luke, and Eric. Three friends, wrongly accused of a crime because of me,. I was supposed to be keeping a closer watch of the high school principal, Alastair Night, or the Lillith hunter. He kills us, and as the queen of our people, I must protect. But instead, I made friends with some of the humans. And I let my guard down. 

Eric started to stir. I went to him. He looked at me. "Run, he rasped out, the damn lillith are here. Kill them or run. " I touched my hand to the side of his head and he blacked out, the color draining from his face. I quickly retracted my hand. Using magic can be tricky. Not purposefully using it is worse.  

I had been born to a human family.My mother died. When they found out I could killor at least knock out humans with skin to skin touch, they hid me away. When I turned 12, they banished me from the house, where I was hunted down and sent away to the forests. 7 years later i was found by Alrick. 2 years later we have gathered and rescued as many Osma as we can. And we preside over them.

A howl split the air. I turned and a huge, black wolf stood behind me, many feet away. As he changed back into his human form, Alrick came to me. 

"What in the hell is this! Humans!" I stood back and crouched a bit, baring my teeth.

"Alrick, they are under my protection. Its my fault they're here!"

He came close, his half naked , 6 foot 7 inch height not intimidating me, though he is a foot and a half taller. 

"Humans, he spat, kill us, hunt us, spit on us, look down on us and you save them!"

I took a hold of his arms and put them around my hips. I pulled myself very close to him, his growl changing from threatening to relaxed. I layed my head on his bare chest, and put my hands on his abdominal.

" I want peace between us, not war. Please don't be angry Alrick." He sighed and then leaned down and smelled my hair, taking in deep and relaxing breaths.

"You won't be able to calm me down this easily in the future." He said, his voice slightly muffled.

"I know." I sighed. He pulls back a bit, so that we can look each other in the eye. 

"They are your responsibility Siren. If they threaten us or others,  I will kill them. If they threaten you, I will give them a punishment worse than death.And then death will proceed. "

"I promise Alrick." He pulls away from me and turns towards our den area. 

" Siren, my love." I turn back in his direction. He hasn't turned around but I know he has all his attention on me. 


"You will pay me back for this tonight. " I giggled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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