Chapter 2

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ops. kinda forgot i wrote this but here's an update

Jonny boo boo pov: 

I walk into the school building watching the theater  kids running around trying to find there missing actor, the nerds reading, the basics trying to flirt and my friends or the jocks in this case playing the penis game.

"PENIS!" Damian yelled;
Groups of people in the hall looked at him and the hole group started laughing that's when i went over and laughed myself. "Damian! what the fuck?" I asked calling down from my laughter, "Its the penis game man, you know it it is!" He put his arm around my shoulder ruffling my jelled hair. "ha ha now I'm gonna look like a porcupine all day." I try and fix my hair its no luck so i just punch him and he groans in pain while my friend Alex called him a 'Pussy'.

 "So, you guys hear about the curly red head? The dude with the freckles? Pasty white? Could be a nightlight? you know him?" Most of us nod in response, "Well did you hear hes gay?" Some of the guys groan and some smile. "Something wrong with that Alex?" I ask a bit harsher then i meant too, "Jeez man! You fuckin' gay?" Exzavier said laughing. "N-No I'm bi Exzavier!" I said slapping his arm then quickly going quiet.

The group stopped and looked at me. We are were in a awkward silence, "Well shit dude" Alex exclaimed smiling. "Good for you man!" Damian said. Most were supportive a few left being homophobic. I was scared that their reactions would have been worse then what I got..But hey lets look on the bright side, I'm open to my friends now! The bell for class rings so we all part ways and leave for class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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