Chapter 7

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••••••Huge time skip••••••

It's now been a month since we moved in & school just started. I'm feeling extremely nervous cos, as much as I've done this a couple times now, I'm worried people might judge me about how I am. They've got a lotta options\ reasons to pick on me. At my last school I got into a lot of fights all because I tried sticking up for myself. I'll admit it was fun, I always got a type of rush that would take over me. It was hilarious with everything I did & yet I hardly got in trouble. But still, this was new territory. I'd need to just chill for a while.
My phone buzzed, indicating I had got a message.
Devie😜: u ready yet
Me: almost just need my shoes 👠😊
Devie😜: Kk. We'll be waiting
Me: kk
We had all planned on heading out, to do a little sight-seeing.
I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my things & made my way out the house. As I approached Devin's house, everyone began walking out the door. "Hey baby" Devin said walking towards me. As Jazzy walked out, she just raised an eyebrow & smirked. "Ummm hey?" I replied, confused about what I was just called. "Well that's new." Lexi said opening up the car. "Uhh... yeah. Yeah it is" I responded turning to Devin. "What? You don't like it?" He asked jokingly. "I didn't say that. I'm just a little shocked" I replied. "Well, are we gonna give her a tour of LA or not lover boy?" Daniel interrupted laughing "'Her' has a name, thank you very much" I said back in a joking manner. "And yes. We are gonna give Steph that tour" Finished Devin. "A'ight then, Leggo!" Kevin screamed. We hopped into the car & began our journey.
"And here we are. Our final stop." Lexie said as she parked the car. "The mall?" I questioned. "Yup. It's basically our second hangout." Jazzy replied. "What's the first?" I asked. "That would be dunkin', babe" Devin answered. "Cool. So are we actually gonna go in or just sit in here?" I asked.

TBH I don't rly know where I'm going wi this so bare wi me if u want & leave a comment or something I rly don't know 😂😂

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