Part 2- Uncertainty

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Ruby's POV:

2 months. 2 months since I had last seen my parents. 2 months since I had last seen Gus. 2 months since I had walked freely through the Ark. 2 months in captivity and isolation. 2 months in the Sky Box.
If it had not been for Odin, I'm not sure I would have survived more than a week without going insane. Odin, he was the reason I was stuck in this place to begin with. He had grown tremendously over the past few months, and now towered over me when I sat on the floor or lay in my bed. From what I had read, he had grown to the size of what used to be a grizzly bear. But, he was a gentle giant, who often ate right from my hand, and cuddled up to my side once the lights went out. We were in this together, the both of us.
However, all of that changed two months into my (our) sentence. It couldn't have been later than 6 am when two guards barged into my cell, causing Odin to spring from his perch on my mattress.
"Prisoner 922, stand up." One of the guards said sternly.
Startled and confused, I stood shakily, raising my hands in surrender. Odin must have been as scared as I was, letting out a low, menacing bark.
"Shh Ody" I whispered, noticing the glint of annoyance in the guards eye at the noise, "It's ok, shh,"
I dropped a hand to his head calmly, causing him to sit promptly, the obedience he was bred for shining through.
"Turn to face the wall, hands above your head." The guard spoke again, his eyes still on Odin, who remained glued to the floor, "And if that thing makes another noise I swear I'll float it."
Hesitantly I turned to face the wall, and, just as I did so, felt the cold metal of cuffs clamp around my hands.
Thoughts raced through my mind as the guard locked the cuffs; What was happening? Were they going to float me? Did my parents know about this? What would happen to Odin? Where was Gus?
"You can turn around now," The guard ordered, handing me a chain. On the end of it dangled a make-shift leather collar. "Leash the... dog, and let's go."
I nodded, fitting the leash onto Odin, and following the guards out into the hall.
It was the most crowded I had ever seen it, with what looked to be all of the prisoners lined up tightly against the walls. As we made our way down the hall, I earned quite a few glances- or more, Odin did.

Narrator POV:

Everyone watched as the tall, dark-haired girl walked silently down the corridor, followed by whispers and murmurs, and trailed by the biggest creature any of the children had ever seen. It was an enormous thing the dog, standing well past her waist (her being a solid 5′10″), its paws the size of a human hand.
There was, however, one prisoner who seemed to take no notice of the dog, but instead had his eyes on the girl, who held a tight grip on the chain. Jasper Jordan, a lanky, bushy-haired boy admired her features for the split second she passed; her bright green eyes, her inky brown hair hiding traces of blonde, her tan, seamless skin.
He turned to the shorter boy next to him, elbowing him excitedly.
"Monty," He whispered, "Who is she?"
"I hear that's Ruby Conan," he replied, "But that, that thing, I've never seen anything like it. It looks like those dogs we learned about in biology."
"Whoever she is, I want to find out," He smiled stupidly, earning an elbow in the ribs from his companion.
Jasper winced, shooting a bothered glance at Monty. Little did they know, the three of them were about to become closer than they could have imagined.

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