Your character

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Code name/nickname:
Character looks:
Sidekick: (optional, and only available for killers and/or huddlers)
Sexuality: (optional)
Song to describe character: (optional)
Weapon: (weapons depend on class of fighter)
Power: (only applying to droids and soldiers, droids are limited to certain powers. Soldier may have up to 3-4 abilities depending on them) (note the the most powerful ability will be limited to only two. like 'immortality'only gets one more, something like that, it has to be approved)
Background: (optional)
Describe your base: (applying to huddlers)
Fun facts or additional character details: (if you can think of any or something you haven't covered)

And if your thinking you can have a robotic or animal like sidekick you can just has to be approved!

Have fun with it! Choose wisely and comment! I'll be reading as many as I can! I'll be posting my own character soon!! Have any question or input pm or comment! Thanks! 🤙🏻👍

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