A Valley of Flowers (Ymir x Historia)

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Disclaimer: All rights and credit go to the original creator/author of Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama. I repeat all credit for Ymir and Historia go to Hajime Isayama. All of the art does not belong to us either. All credit to the art goes to the original artist.


Ymir's POV:

I walk through the crisp green grass, listening to it crunch underneath my feet with every step I take. I glance to the side, noticing a girl with gorgeous locks of golden hair laying down and gazing up at the clouds; calling her breathtaking would be an understatement. I felt my heart skip a beat, my palms begin to get sweaty, and I feel a tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach. She notices my presence and her dazzling smile seeps into my heart, making it yearn for more.

The gorgeous specimen--also known as Historia--beckons me over, and I eagerly comply. I have known this stunning girl for more than a year, and she never fails to make me swoon. From the way, her sweet angelic voice forms sentences, to the adorable way she puffs out her cheeks when someone calls her out on something; it all makes me crave her warm tiny hand enclosed in my larger one, her tiny arms wrapped around my waist, my fingers running through her silky golden locks.

She glances over at me, and I see her lips moving--but I'm too distracted by her beauty to listen. I snap out of my trance and a hearty laugh only she can pull out of me escapes from my cold thin lips. Historia flashes me her twinkling smile before leaning over and pecking my cheek. My breath hitches in my throat and I automatically reach to where she kissed me. I look over towards where she once laid, only to see she has moved closer and is now face-to-face with me. Historia's tiny slim finger reaches over and delicately pokes my nose. I once again release a hearty laugh, as I pin Historia's arms over her head with one hand and tickle her sides with the other.

She squirms under my long cold fingers as it dances across her sides. Her sweet-as-honey giggle fills the area where we reside and I lean down and give her a love-filled peck on the lips while smirking. Historia's beautiful face turns a few shades darker, and she places one of her delicate fingers on her warm plump lips. I reach over and pick a flower, tucking it behind her ear. I lean closer and whisper, "Not even a valley of flowers can compare to your beauty."

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