The Perfect World

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Disclaimer: All rights and credit go to the original creator/author of Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama. I repeat all credit for Ymir and Historia go to Hajime Isayama. All of the art does not belong to us either. All credit to the art goes to the original artist.


Shades of blues and whites were painted across the day sky, the blue paint trickling down to reach lush green grass. Faint buzzes from the bees are heard as they fly around flower to flower, collecting nectar. A circle of reds, yellows, and oranges beam down upon a certain petite female as she walks ever so gracefully in the peaceful park. The sounds of laughter and slight chatter echoed through the colorful canvas, as children tirelessly ran—spreading their arms out as if they were birds ready to take flight. As the woman continued her merry way, the sound of her feet hitting the pavement was the only thing she focused on. Click. Clack. Click. The sound—unheard by others—was quite prominent to her.

The woman's golden locks shifted ever so slightly out of place, causing a gut-wrenching feeling to settle in the pit of her stomach. Everything has to be perfect. Reaching a frail hand up, her hair would once again be perfectly settled into place—just as it should be. Looking up, a breeze could be heard. It faintly whispered "Historia, it's ti-" before the sound completely disappeared. Historia's eyebrows would furrow—she probably was just hearing things. Continuing her leisurely stroll, Historia's mind would begin to think about how perfect it is here. There's no violence, no accidents, no fires, nothing. Everything was absolutely perfect. Everything felt weightless for a whole second—it felt as if she was flying. Quickly following the flightless feeling, a sharp pain would spread through-out her back and lower-region. Historia darted her eyes up from the lashes that frame her bright blue eyes, only to be face-to-face with an alluring creature.

"Watch where you're going." A tan arm extended toward where the petite girl sat, still baffled at the event that occurred just moments ago. The beautiful woman firmly gripped on to Historia's hand, pulling her up with ease. Still, in a daze, Historia's ocean blue eyes began to flicker and examine the heavenly creature that stood before her. Chocolate brown eyes that made her heart melt. "Are yo-" Sun-kissed skin that the angels themselves would envy. "Hel-" Her hair looked as soft as silk. Even small freckles adorned her face, everything about her was just... Perfect. "Hello! Are you okay?" Even her voice was like music to her ears. Taken aback by the sudden large hand waving in front of her face, the fair-skinned woman cleared her throat. "I am fine, thank you."

The gorgeous creature that stood before Historia lazily placed her arms behind her head. "The name is Ymir. And yours?" Peering at Ymir, the petite woman stated, "I am Historia. It is a pleasure to meet you." The two stayed silent for seconds before a bright smile flashed across Historia's face and a smirk stretched across Ymir's. The pitter-patter sounds of a liquid hitting a hard ground fluttered in the blonde's ear—yet there was no rain. She completely ignored the strange feeling bubbling inside her, before turning her attention back to the freckled woman. "Well, I do hope to see you around, Ymir." The name just rolled off of her tongue with ease. It was so familiar and it brought such warm feelings when speaking it. Nights and days passed as the canvas was constantly repainted. Historia has learned much about Ymir within this time. Like how Ymir uses sarcasm as a way to break the ice. Or how her left eye wrinkles ever so slightly when she smiles. Every single thing about this woman was just glorious... Perfect.

The day was painted with oranges and yellows as the once shining sun, was being pushed under to only bring darkness along its way. There in the distance sat Ymir on a hill accompanied by a picnic blanket, basket, and candles. The tan woman was wearing a pair of jeans and a gorgeous olive green shirt that complimented her skin tone quite nicely. Running to reach Ymir, Historia only seemed to get farther away. Furrowing her brows, the blonde began to walk. At last the destination of being wrapped into the brunette's arms has been reached. The fair-skinned woman peered up to gaze adoringly in Ymir's twinkling eyes. "Historia it's ti-" The candlelight was being reflected in her gorgeous eyes, it was so mesmerizing. "Historia." God, she could just stay here forever wrapped in this embrace. "Historia!" Historia would quickly break from the embrace as Ymir stood up sharply. "It's time to take your medicine." Thoughts raced through the blonde's mind, what did Ymir mean by medicine? "Patient #402, it's time to take your medicine."

The humid air was the only thing that wrapped her in an embrace as the perfect world completely eradicated from her eyes. Drip. Drip. Drip. Water hitting the cement floor was all that Historia could focus on. The lights flickered every so often, as a squeak from the wheelchair that Historia rests upon echoes throughout the narrow room. This world was not perfect. Everything about it was disastrous. "Where is Ymir?" A far-away look hid the petite woman's true emotions, as her senses tingled from everything happening. "Ymir? Nobody with the name Ymir exists. Now... it's time to take your medicine... Patient #402."

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