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She didn't believe in happily ever afters. Why would she? The world she knew was complete chaos.

Demons roamed the streets freely, killing any witch or mortal that got in their way. Witches turned on each other in an instant. She lived in constant fear that she would be found and killed.

Lord Wyatt did not let those that opposed him live for very long and her last promise to her mother had been that she would never follow him. He started the trials that had seen her parents and sister burned.

They were just like him. He was supposed to understand and help protect their community, not destroy it.

Her magic hadn't fully manifested yet. She was terrified that she wouldn't be able to control it and would be caught. She'd seen what had happened to those even just accused of magic.

If Wyatt didn't kill you, the Witch Hunters would.

No, she couldn't find it in herself to believe in happily ever afters. Not in her world.

Nightmares, however, she could believe in.

Each morning, she would wake and barely succeed in suppressing her screams. She feared her magic as it grew more and more out if her control each day. Every night when she moved hiding spots, her eyes would catch sight of burning buildings and trees and she'd faintly wonder how many flames had begun to burn because of her.

The girl was almost glad of her power because it made hiding in a bit easier. Pyrokinetic witches were rare. Her mother had drilled this into her skull at a young age and always - always - made sure she was careful. She learned how to not just blend in to a crowd, but to be completely invisible in one. Often, her father would joke that she could also turn invisible.

This allowed her to stay safe for two years after Lord Wyatt took over the world.

When he found her, she refused to follow him. Two days later found her standing in a room, tied to a pole. Gasoline was spilled on the floor and the pole, ensuring it would light up.

For the first time in years, she prayed for a happy ending. She hoped the flames would not hurt her. But they never even got the chance to do so.

There was a boy that saved her. He was the leader of what they called the Resistance. She knew him on sight and nearly cried with relief when he froze everyone in the room.

Christopher Halliwell was the only person in the world she felt she could trust.

He was the first person to treat her like a human in years. He helped her and even accepted her into the Resistance without hesitating.

It seemed he remembered her sister - his once best friend.

Despite being only twelve when she joined, she was one of the Resistance's best fighters. Many people would come to fear her in the following years s she learned how to fight and defend those she loved.

Her name struck fear throughout Wyatt's regime. She had escaped his prisons many times, taking as many innocents as possible with her. She had even given the man himself a scar and earned herself a nickname.

It often made her blush when she heard how the mortals still permitted on the Earth's surface spoke of her.

Belladonna was a deadly force. Belladonna would take down the regime. Belladonna would help end their suffering.

But they didn't know that 'Belladonna' was only seventeen. Or that 'Belladonna' had seen far too much. Or that her name was Anibel Feldspar.

They didn't know of her past or that she cried herself to sleep most nights. They didn't see a shell of a girl. Sometimes she was grateful for that; other times, she was mad because of it.

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