Chapter 14 - Her

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Tiffany and Taehyung were both seen walking to school together this morning.

Taehyung: What was the screaming at your house this morning by the way? I can clearly hear it from my room.

Tiffany: My brother Leo scared the hell out of me this morning. He was filming for his YouTube account. He is so annoying.

Taehyung: (Laughs) Oh man, I should have been there. Would love to see the look on your face when he scared you. Was it like this or like that?

Taehyung started making goofy faces, representing Tiffany's reaction this morning. Tiffany, pissed, hit him, telling him to stop, but Taehyung continued. He found it hilarious and cannot stop making fun of her. Hence, things have not changed, Taehyung always teasing Tiffany. Their relationship remained the same even after what happened yesterday. Tiffany sighed. The same as always ....

When they arrived at school, they noticed a group of students standing near the entrance, and most of them were guys. In the crowd, they spot Jimin and J-Hope waiting frantically for someone. Curious, they went to ask what was going on.

Taehyung: What are you guys doing here? Classes are about to start.

J-Hope: Didn't you here?

Tiffany: Head what?

Jimin: She's back!

Taehyung: Who?

J-Hope: Come-on. (Nudge Taehyung) You really didn't hear? Irene is back.

Both Taehyung and Tiffany froze. They never expected to hear that name again. That name that had a lot of history for both Taehyung and Tiffany. Tiffany looked at Taehyung. He was in shock, but she can feel his distress. He titled his head and quickly went inside the school, not caring about Irene coming back. Tiffany was anxious about him but, most of all, nervous since she came back.

Jimin: You shouldn't have said her name in front of him, you idiot.

J-Hope: Why? What is wrong with her name?!

Jimin: Right, you weren't with us during junior high.

Then, suddenly, a fancy black car was parked in front of school entrance. A girl came out front the car and was approach by some of her friends. The crowd started to yell her name and she laughed, waving at them to greet them. It has been a long time they have not seen here. Her name was Irene. Back in junior high and the first year of high school, she was known as the Queen, the prettiest, smartest, nicest and popular girl in the school. She had a lot of friends and everyone admired her, as seen from the crowd waiting for her. Tiffany then looked at her. She's back and still as popular as always, she thought. Tiffany knew her from junior high. She left two years ago to study abroad in Japan because of her family business, as she heard from people back then. Now, she came back. Tiffany could only smiled and greet her return too, but, inside, she was afraid, afraid of ... Then, Jungkook appeared behind her.

Jungkook: What's the commotion here?

J-Hope: Look at that girl, isn't she pretty?

Tiffany: Yeah.... she is, isn't she.

Jungkook looked at Tiffany and noticed her disturb expression. He knew something was up. Did something happen between that new girl and Tiffany, he thought. Following the greetings, Irene and her friends went inside the school, followed by the crowd of people leaving only Jimin, J-Hope, Jungkook and Tiffany outside.

Tiffany: Let's head to class too guys, class is about to start.

Tiffany, Jungkook, Jimin and J-Hope went to their classroom, and sat on their respected seats. Tiffany turned around and took a glimpse at Taehyung. He was looking at the window with his hand supporting his face. She knew he was thinking about her. Then, the teacher came in with the girl, and introduced to the students that Irene will join our class for the rest of the semester. She greeted the class and everyone went wild, happy to see her. Well, most of the class knew her from first year. Taehyung kept looking at the window during all this time. The teacher later told her to take a seat. Her seat was in the same row as Taehyung, row right next to the window, but she was just two seat in front him. Tiffany looked again at Tahyeung. He started to take a peek at Irene. He had no expression whatsoever. Tiffany could only observe and feel unease inside. After that introduction, class actually began.

During lunch time, Tiffany missed out on lunch with her friends since she had finish up an English homework due later today. She totally forgot about it probably because, over the weekends, all she could think was Jungkook. Before heading to the computer room, she went to talk to Taehyung to see if he was okay. He said he was fine. She did not believe him, but he started acting like his normal self after class. So, she felt at ease a little bit. She told him that she had to finish a homework and will see him later. He nodded and followed his friends to the cafeteria. She smiled looking at him and hope that he will not meet up with Irene anytime soon.

Through the time in the computer room, she was also munching on a sandwich and doing her homework, just in case she will not get hungry later. She finished the homework very quickly since English was the easiest subject for her. She did grew up in the States after all. Unexpectedly, someone sat next to her. She looked and it was Jungkook. He smiled.

Jungkook: What are you doing?

Tiffany: Oh, just finishing the English homework that's all. Did you finish it?

Jungkook: Yeah. We should have done it yesterday at your place.

Tiffany: Yeah. Oh did your father found out that you left yesterday?

Jungkook: (Laughs) Not at all. But I did hurt my toe when climbing up the tree to my room's window. Nothing major, no worries.

Tiffany: I guess you can skip physical ed now (Laughs)

Jungkook: That's my favourite class tough. (Laughs)

Tiffany: I'll be right back, let me get rid of my lunch.

She stood up and went to throw her leftovers in the trash, which was near the room's entrance. She looked up and notice Irene walking in the hallway this way. They made contact. Both smiled. Irene then went to Tiffany.

Irene: Hey Tiffany, long time no see. How are you?

Tiffany: I'm fine you?

Irene: I'm happy actually. Being back, nothing has changed in the school right.

Tiffany: Yeah, you didn't miss much too. By the way, how's Japan?

Irene: Good, but I prefer here. I insisted my parents to let me come back and finish school here in Seoul. Japan is great but I just miss it her, my friends and all.

Tiffany: That's great.

Irene: Oh, by any chance do you know where Taehyung is?

Tiffany froze up again. Her fingers curled up and her teeth clenched. It was the question she wanted to avoid answering. She had to tell her, she thought. It will be suspicious not to.

Tiffany: (Tries to smile) Oh he's probably still in the cafeteria. If you don't see him there, then he'll probably be outside on the field playing foot or just laying down on the grass.

Irene: (Giggles) He'a still as lazy as ever huh.

Tiffany could only smile. Why did she want to see him, she thought.

Irene: Thanks. I'll see you later then.

Irene left and Tiffany went back to her seat, feeling wretched. Jungkook noticed since she was staring and listening at their conversation. He did not know what was going between them but he guessed, and he knew it was probably because of something between Taehyung and that girl. Without notice, Jungkook left held Tiffany's right hand. She looked at him and burned up at bit, wondering why he did that.

Jungkook: Don't get stress. It'll be alright. (Smiles)

Tiffany: I'm hopeless, aren't I.

For some reason, she did not want to let go of Jungkook's hand. It felt comforting, like Taehyung ...

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