Summer New Beginings

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There's only two things I was looking forward too this summer, Graduation, and hanging out with my friends. I say to myself,

"Xavier I'm so proud of you, finishing your senior year, becoming the man you are destined to be, and going off to college at Whitewater University" I said to myself

I couldn't help but think that somethings missing either, I was convinced it was love because it's been about a year since I ever been in a real relationship.

It was my last few minutes of my senior year as I was finishing up my final, I couldn't think about anything else but freedom for 3 months then to getting back to reality.

"This weekend were about to walk across that stage dude I feel like a grown man." Marcos said while hitting my arm playfully.

"No that's not being a grown man, you're a grown man when you hit puberty." As I said hitting him grabbing his air and hitting his arm back.

"Yo X, you going to find yourself a girl or what?" Terrell asked out of the blue.

"It has been awhile since I've been with a girl, I just want to focus on getting money, hanging with friends, and preparing for college." I said.

That's the truth, I know I had rough past with girls and I'm a little rusty, there were some relationships that didn't work out, some that I wasn't really into, and then there's the ones where I got fucked over lame right? The bell rings and everyone is dropping papers, running to the busses, or getting picked up by their parents, or getting in their fancy little cars and driving home. Jake the security guard shakes my hand and tells me that I was one of the his favorite people for the last 4 years.

"I'm really gonna miss you Xavier, you would always light them bastards up in the gym at lunch time."

"Thanks Jake, don't worry I'm gonna bring my shoes up here one time and pick on the fresh-meat."

"Take care of yourself." Jake said

"You too." I said while walking outside to the parking lot.

I forgot to mention that I'm a basketball player. I played varsity my senior which was a joyride, having people support you throughout the season is truly something to remember. I just wish I had a girlfriend at the time to be at all my games but my Mom and Dad were the only supporters that came through for me, every game they were there.

Saturday rolled around and I was more then excited to start a new chapter in my life and discover new things about myself. I was helping my family set up my graduation party stuff before I headed to the ceremony, I had a thing for bow ties because I knew I always looked fly in every single one I had.

"I'm proud of you buddy, for being the young man that I raised you to be." Said my dad.

"Dad your not suppose to cry that's moms job"

"Hey I can be emotional too."

"You better get to the school or your gonna be late." Says my mom, who doesn't look a day over 40 but still is 40 years old.

At the graduation ceremony everyone was lined up, and looking good with their caps and gowns couldn't wait to get their diplomas.

"I'm excited for what the future holds for me." I said to myself

As we walk in the gym my whole family is sitting together, mom, dad, my sister Nicole, my three triplet aunties and more.

"Xavier Curtis Smith Jr."

All you could hear was my family yelling from the bleachers like I hit the game winning shot or something, as I shook the principles hand and gave her a hug I felt so accomplished.

"Class of 2017 you may move your tassels to the left."

As I meet my family outside and take lots of pictures I say to myself.

"Let my summer Begin."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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