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Notebook Entry #5

All people appear in/near The Centre. The Wisps forms from air and leaves a faint shadow (of their former selves) on the ground. Once the process is finished they may move and talk.

I think I might move into Lucas's room instead of sleeping next to S2. She sure can snore.

She just appeared. But that goes against every bit of sense that I have made of this world. I hate not knowning things. I think it's my fatal flaw.

"Catalogged! What do you mean? Where am I? How did I get here?" She rambled on.

"I'll try my best to explain but honestly no one understands," I replied. Then I thought of M4. "First you have to tell me everything you remember about what happened before I found you."

She stared at the sand, crunching beneath our feet.  "I was at an airport, I think,"

"No, that was the Exelfect, it makes you believe that. Think. Past and beyond." Those words usually worked with M4. Harper scrunched her eyebrows to the ground as if what she remembered felt like a dream. "It was warm," she said looking up at the sky. Sign 1 of remembering. "And?" I replied. If this worked she might be able to remember parts of her life. Anything is better than nothing. "It was so comforting and warm. Love, so true and pure warm light." Her hands started to glow with gold light. Sign 2 of remembering. "Then, darkness. So dark, cold and alone." Harper's eyes flickered, gold light glowing out of her eyes now. Final sign of remembering. I reached forward so my hand basked in the glowing aura around her.

"Oscar! That's my name, Oscar," I shrieked.

"What?" Harper looked at me with her puzzled face, the gold light fading around her.

"Oh, you just went through the remembering, it's where you go through several stages letting your thought patterns travel in limbo from the Beyond to the Here in a mind manipulation manner. This however can only happen when your particles are fresh and recently constructed."

Harper didn't look like she understood which is understandable. "I am so lost both physically and mentally."

"I told you I'm not that good at explaining, well explaining in easier terms that is, Lucas is better at it,"

"Yeah," She looked around. The misty fog around us was denser here. "Where exactly are we going?"

"To the Centre, it's the only permanent building we've managed to create in The Here,"

"Right, and where are we now?"

"Nowhere, that's where,"


I looked at her. "Don't you want me to explain where nowhere is?" She looked back at me.

"Nowhere is nowhere, that's something I understand,"

"Quite right too, come on The Centre is right ahead,"

"I can't see anything,"

"Well, open your eyes," I pointed up ahead and out of the mist came a large building. It was a flat diamond shape with a grandly built structure. I was proud as I designed it myself.

"You designed this?" Harper turned to me with her puzzled face changed to awe.

"How did you know that?"

"You just said it," She skipped ahead to the entrance. But I never said that.

Notebook Entry #5

I spoke again to M4. It was particularly bad today. She was raving about a creature. A creature born to destroy. It would deceive us and read our minds. Then destroy. It is probably all in her mind but I'm writing it down in case I forget or it becomes important. 

Harper knocked on the door. A face appeared in the window of the door. The telecom buzzed alive. "Who is it?"

"Harper and Oscar," She replied smartly.

"Oscar, whoever you brought back isn't real, it is just the Dreamits messing with you again."

I moved Harper out the way and buzzed back to him. "This is not the Dremits, Lucas, this is Harper I found her on the edge of Nowhere, drowning mind you."

Harper moved me out the way and buzzed back to him. "And I am very much real and alive thank you,"

I moved Harper out of the way again and buzzed back to him. "Just let us in Lucas,"

He frowned using his questioning face. "What did you rant about this morning?"

"How the Dremits were getting stronger,"

"Ok, I'll let you in,"

After multiple clicks and clacks the door opened and there stood Lucas his curly brown hair messy and his denim jacket covered with dust. After seeing my questioning glance he replied "Just some experiments that went wrong," Then he turned to Harper. 

"Hi I'm Lucas, welcome to The Here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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