While you were out

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Hi guys, I was thinking like I'm going to write a short story, I'm sick, so I have all the time. It's a fanfiction about Louis -Alijaa 

Saturday morning:

I'm walking downstairs. It's Saturday morning. I've taken a shower. Glad I'm not wearing any make up anymore, when I was a teenager, I was ready for school after an hour preparing my make up and hair and outfit!The sun is shining. What a beautiful day! The sun makes me happy. It's been a long time ago I had that feeling. I'm pretty sure in a few weeks I'm not depressed anymore. And so, my birthday is Tuesday. I'm turning 23 then. We're celebrating it today. I'm exited but I don't expect a big party or something, just nice to be at home with Louis, watch a film, that's what a great evening looks like for me.

"Hi honeybee, great day today! I'm making breakfast!". Said Louis when I walked into the kitchen. Yeah, I smell wonderful sandwiches and fresh coffee. "Babe! Wow, how wonderful, thank you, delicious! Wish you were doing this every Saturday". I said with a teasing voice. I gave him a kiss. A long kiss. I love it when he's holding me. Like it's for hours. We're beginning our delicious breakfast. "So honey, what are we going to do today?". I asked. that sandwich over there looks delicious. First I take a cup of coffee. "That's a secret, my love. But if you want to know, you have to kiss me". That's why I love him so much. His attitude is so wonderful.

He's standing up. "Well, I guess I have to kiss you than". I said with a smile. His lips are feeling so wonderful. He stopped for a moment. Urm Louis? He's looking into my eyes. His big green eyes are so lovely. "It's almost your birthday, and I just want to say that I'm so happy with you, we've been together for three years now, and I love you so much honeybee". Oh my, that's so sweet. "At first I wanted to give you this on Tuesday, but whatever. I'll give it now". It's a pink box. I open it. A card. It says : "Beauty is on top of the world, Mary's beauty hotel, feel pretty for a weekend!". How wonderful. That's the hotel from my best friend Mary, I always wanted to go there. "Oh my, Louis this is great, oh my... Thank you so much boo bear. So you're sending me away this whole weekend?". I said. "Yes honeybee, but my sister is going with you, I know you are great friends". I'm so exited to go.

Sunday afternoon: 

We're packing our backs. "I've had a wonderful weekend". I said to Phoebe. "I had too!". "I'm going to call Louis before we go, is that ok?". She nodded. I'm walking to the bathroom. I phone Louis. "Hi Louis!". I said. "Hi honeybee, vas happening over there? Are you ready to go home, do you enjoy the hotel?". A lot of question, but hey, that's Louis. "Yeah, I'm ready, I had a great time here, thank you so much, this was a wonderful gift!". I mean it, it couldn't be any better. I want to go home now and just relax. "Well, see you soon honeyboneysonney, love you!". "Love you too boo bear!". I'm walking back to our beds. "So, Phoebe, lets go home!". We're checking out and take a cab. The ride don't take so long. From here to Doncaster, well, I think like a hour or something. Phoebe and I are talking about the beautiful weather.

We're walking to the front door. It's 5 am. Louis opens the door. "HONEYBEE" He yelled. "BOO BEAR!" He gives me a big hug. "Hi Phoebe! Com on in!". We're walking into the house. "Let all your stuff here beauty's, come with me!". He said. Well, what's this? I'm thinking about a cake or something? "Close your eyes honeybee, Phoebe, hold your hands for her eyes, just like we've talked about". "Whats going on?". I asked. No answer. I feel fresh air. Are we standing in the garden? "And open your eyes!". "SURPRISEEEEE". A lot of people are standing in the garden. I'm seeing my parents, Louis' parents and even all his brothers and sisters. Oh god, even my best friend Mary! He has done this while I was out. "Whats this?!". The whole garden is covered with confetti and balloons. I smell the food. I think its... OH MY there's a whole table of food, not that kinda food like pizza and stuff, but healthy vegables.

Suddenly there's Louis, with a paper in his hand. "Dear Christy, don't think this is a speech, but I want to say something. We've been together for 3 years now, with a lot of ups and downs, wait, you know what, I'don't need this paper". I see some people laugh. Oh Louis, MY Louis. "All I want to say is that we are strong, I'm so glad we've met honeybee, and we're going to be together for the rest of our lives, I love you Christy". A silence. A lot of people are whiping away their tears, even Mary. I'm feeling a bit emotional too. He's coming closer. Suddenly he's going down on one knee. Oh my..  I'm crying. "Dear Christy, will you mary me?". 

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