Chapter 4

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"Ezra!" Aria yelped playfully as he ran down what appeared to be a part of the Hollis campus with her on his back.

She laughed as she clung to him for dear life and after a few seconds he slowed and returned to a walking pace, a grin spread widely across his face as he struggled to catch his breath. Aria let out another giggle and placed her chin on his shoulder.

"I swear, you're the biggest child sometimes..." she teased.

"Hey, you're the one who said I walked slowly," he teased back, still a little bit out of breath.

She shook her head and kicked her legs slightly, letting him know that she wanted him to put her down. He crouched down until her feet hit the pavement and stood back up, turning to face her. She reached forward and quickly found his hand, locking her fingers with his as she smiled up at him. Using his free hand, Ezra tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and smiled back. She stood on her tiptoes and he bent his head down until they met for a short kiss. Once they parted, Aria stayed balanced and moved her mouth to his ear.

"You better get going, Professor Fitz," she whispered with a smirk.

Ezra shivered at the feel of her lips barely touching his skin. "What if I don't want to go," he said softly.

She leaned back, the smirk still on her face. "Goodbye, Ezra," she said in a light voice as she began to walk away.

His lips formed a pout as her hand slipped out of his and she continued to step backwards from him.

"I love you," she called out as a reminder.

He chuckled and turned away. "Mhm," he called back.

Suddenly Ezra's surroundings began to blur and the next thing he knew he was sitting on his couch watching a drunken Aria dancing around the room. He was just as drunk, and he struggled a bit before he stood up. He somehow managed to knock over the now empty wine bottle that was sitting on the coffee table and he cursed, making Aria giggle from her place across the room as he picked up the bottle and began to walk over to her.

"And why are you so happy?" Ezra asked, wrapping his arms around her small frame from behind and swaying along with her.

She leaned back against him and sighed in content. "Because we actually just had a nice dinner with my mom. Because I'm with the person that I love. Because one year ago today I met you in a bar and everything fell into place," she answered softly.

"Oh, is that all?" He grinned and trailed a few kissed down her neck.

She turned around and put her hands on his chest, once again leaning into him. His arms were still wrapped around her waist as they moved slowly with the music.

"What are we listening to?" Ezra asked.

Aria buried her face in his shirt and let out a light chuckle. "I dunno," she whispered.

He leaned his head down and placed his mouth next to her ear and began to hum the unnamed song. Aria closed her eyes and smiled.

"Happy anniversary, Ezra," she breathed.

"Happy anniversary, Aria."


"Hmm?" he mumbled.

She pulled away and opened her eyes, which were now rapidly filling with tears. Ezra looked at her and immediately noticed the tears streaming down her cheeks.

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