New Beginnings

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Her body swayed to the loud music booming through the speakers she just recently modified to play better quality. Her movements which started out flimsy quickly became a graceful and methodical dance. A light sweat had already broke out from the hours of dance which came beforehand and she never felt better than she did in this moment. The music completely enveloped her, enticing her really to move in such a manner. Just one look and anyone could simply be captivated by the young lady's movements. She was in this moment a seductress ensnaring her prey. Her plump lips moving along with the lyrics and producing an enchanting song that would put any siren to shame.

She wore short black high-waist shorts that were laced up and a simple white crop top. Sporting a pair of white off brand tennis shoes, which seemed to start looking like they need to be replaced, and a messy (h/c) ponytail she still managed to look like an enchantress. Lost in her movements and the music she failed to see or hear the five people barge in her home. Two of the men were bickering over who saved the man currently passed out and being held by the said men. A bigger man walked in with someone who seemed way shorter than the rest. Everyone was lightly arguing but the second they saw her they couldn't speak.

No one was expecting the sight before them. The young woman was currently testing out some not so child friendly dance moves as she let her hair loose and bent down. Her back was turned towards them as they stared in awe. Heavy blushes appeared on most of the seemingly young men while the shortest of the bunch simply covered their eyes in embarrassment. The two holding the unconscious male loosened their grip, sending the poor man to come crashing down on the hardwood floor. He let out a deep groan that was barely audible over the deafening music. The boys panicked when they realized what happened but didn't get the chance to do anything about it because that moment the young girl just happened to spin and see all the young men staring at her.

The shock caused her to land her step incorrectly resulting in her twisting her ankle and falling on her beloved music player. The music cut off to silence and her face began to heat up in embarrassment while small tears started to well up in her wide (e/c) eyes. "A-ah.." She began to try to speak but her voice quivered in fear at the unknown faces until she saw the young man wearing a red half jacket" .....Keith?" Her meek voice whimpered breaking all there trances.

Keith shook his head and quickly ran to assess her injury. He knelt on the floor next to the young beauty and spoke, "Ah, man that looked painful. (y/n), here let me see it." His voice was taut and full of worry. He gently grabbed her hurt leg and readjusted himself so he could lay her foot in his lap. He tried to take her white sneaker off without hurting her but that proved to be impossible as she would hiss every time he would start to pull it off. He finally got it off and dropped it on the floor. Her ankle was noticeably swollen around the rim of her bright pink sock which sported white cats with mustaches and shutter shades on them. He let out a small chuckle at the sock. (Y/N) huffed. "What so funny about my sock?" she lowered her voice and grumbled. Her arms folded across her chest and she turned her head up and away from Keith. He let out another small laugh at how childish she could be.

In the meanwhile, the tall lanky boy just stood in the same place with his jaw dropped. His eyes shifted back and forth between the two. His thoughts were jumbled and confused. 'How could Keith manage to find a woman, no less someone like her?' His big friend behind him was trying to get him out of his thoughts but it seemed like nothing he did was working. He glanced over at Keith and the h/c haired woman. Questions started to form in his head but quickly disappeared as he saw the unconscious man from earlier on the floor. He frantically rushed over and picked him up. The smaller guy was tip-toeing around checking out the place. For the most part he was unimpressed with the place. It was a bit on the torn down side and not furnished very well either. His judgmental eyes examined every piece of seemingly homemade electronics critically. He was questioning how they even worked without breaking.

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