Chapter 6

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The morning was beautiful, they lay together snuggled in a blanket and looked out the window to what little they saw of sunrise but were still giddy from hours before. Tara looked away from the window and took Rosita's hands held tightly looked into her eyes and said

"I love you."

Rosita stared back at her with a look that would never get old. She whispered,

"I love you too" slowly kissing her. "Are we gonna ever tell anyone?"

Tara thought about it for a second wondering if Rosita would want to.

"I mean...... that's up to you if you want to tell everyone that you like girls now and that you're happy and that I'm like the best person in the world then go ahead."

"You— are— impossible." Rosita said with a kiss in between every word.

After finally tearing away from themselves and the bed they got dressed and Rosita headed down to replace Francine from her post.

Tara sat on the edge of the bed watching Rosita leave and thought about the night before. This girl, Tara thought, makes me so happy. This then triggered a old memory maybe she had read it in a book somewhere but a saying came to her mind, A soul mate doesn't always mean love, but can be found in friendship too. That made Tara laugh out loud,

"Guess I got both"

Back at the post Rosita gazed off into the trees, the light breeze made the leaves shake and for once it was peaceful. She had a lot to take in from the night before. She shot Nick...

"That asshole." she whispered aloud. Tara deserved a better past. She loves her so much. Rosita began thinking about her past loves or what at the time she thought was love. Looking back on those relationships, she knew her heart was never in it, but Tara, no one but that girl could give her that feeling. It would always be her, deep down, forever soulmates.

She made a promise to herself that day, to never let that girl go.

Tara was sitting at home, doing nothing. She was sitting there and thought about Rosita. She knew that Rosita's shift was almost over and she was happy. But then a rush a sadness came over her. She got up off the couch and ran out the door. She didn't stop running until she got the the cemetery. She walked over and sat down next to one of the dirt piles.

"Hi" Tara said to Denise's grave. "I'm sorry I haven't visited in awhile I've been kinda busy. I'm sure you already know that— I really think she's the one for me Denise. I know I told you I loved you and you told Rosita you were afraid to tell me back, but I just said it to you because I wanted someone to love. But now that you're gone, I know who I really want. I know who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I have her now and she has someone who really loves her as much as she loves them. After the world got fucked I thought I would never find anyone who would love me and care and protect me. I finally found the one Denise, the one who I'm meant to be with. I hope that you agree. I really miss you. I'll come and visit you again soon. I promise." Tara gets up brushes the dirt off her pants, and started walking back home when she sees Rosita walking towards her. Tara didn't know what to do so she ran behind the bush and hid hoping Rosita didn't see her. She had no idea who Rosita was going to see because Abraham wasn't there and she doesn't care about Spencer. Rosita walked, and sat down in the same place Tara was just sitting. Tara wondered Why is she talking to Denise?

"Hey. I haven't talked to since right before you died. We weren't really tight so that's why I guess I never came. And of course the time I come... I want something from you. I want your blessing. I know you loved her so much. I could tell by how you almost got yourself killed trying to get Tara her orange pop, and by how you were talking about her. But now I get to love her. And I love her so much. She's my best friend and, she has treated my so much better these last two days than any man has my whole life. I just want to make sure you're okay with this. I really hope you are." Rosita started getting up and Tara turned around and ran through the bushes back to their house. Rosita heard the bushes move but she didn't know who or what it was. Tara got home and sat on the couch making it look like she was there the whole time. She has never been so happy in her life. As soon as Rosita walked through the door Tara jumped up, and ran to the door. Catching Rosita by surprise, she pulled Rosita through the door, closed it and pick her up giving her a kiss. She carried Rosita over to the couch and sat down with Rosita sitting on her lap.

"Do you think she gave you her blessing?" Tara asked.

"That was you who ran out of the bushes?" Rosita replied punching Tara in the arm. "Why were you there?"

"I was there to talk to Denise."

"For what?" Rosita questioned.

"Too tell her that I found the one. The one that I love so much. The one that I want to be with forever. And when I was done you came and then I hid because I didn't know who you were gonna talk to, but—" Tara was cut off by Rositas lips. Tara laid Rosita on the couch and climbed on top of her.

"That's a really nice way of telling someone to shut up" Tara laughed.

"Talking's so overrated." Rosita laughed pulling in Tara for a kiss. Rosita pulled off Tara's shirt and threw it.

"Wow, someone's a little anxious." Tara said but Rosita ignored the comment. Tara just about to carry Rosita upstairs when Aaron burst through the door.

"Hey Tara?" Aaron yelled. "How—" Aaron turned and saw them on the couch. Tara jumped off the couch face beat red.

"Oh... hi." Tara laughed. Rosita face was just as red as Tara's but she couldn't help herself from laughing.

"So... how long has this been going on?" Aaron asked.

"Since I was shot." Rosita answered standing up.

"Is this what you were doing when I came over that day?"

"Maybe. But you will never find out." Tara teased.

"Yeah that's what we were doing right before you came. And then we did it after you left too. And everyday after that...." Rosita answered.

"Wow, why don't you tell him what we've done everyday this week." Tara said sarcastically.

"I don't need what you have been doing. It's okay," Aaron said laughing. "I'm just glad you two are happy"

"Thank you." They both said in unison. Aaron said his goodbyes and left them to continue. Tara carried Rosita upstairs and laid her on the bed. Rosita tore her shirt off as Tara crawled on top of her. Tara started to kiss her neck.

"Hey...... don't need anybody asking where I'm getting hickies from."

"You can just wear turtlenecks until they go away." Tara replied and then continued. Rosita pushed Tara over and was now on top.

"If I'm gonna have to wear turtlenecks then so are you." Rosita told Tara with a wink.

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