Story #2: Sparks fly ♡彡

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My name is Isabella Marie Swan; I am a plain twenty-four year old with long chocolate brown hair and dull brown eyes. I'm a reception teacher in a little town called Forks, I am totally in love with my best friend Edward Cullen and this is how it all began.   ♡


The way you move is like a full on rainstorm

And I'm a house of cards

You're kinda of reckless that should send me running but I kinda know that I won't get far.

Flash back two years ago to when we first met.

Do you ever get those days when you just want to stay in bed but have no choice but to move your lazy butt? Well I'm having one of those days today and being my clumsy self I have just managed to twist my foot which meant that I had to limp into the nearest place I could find and plead for some ice as I was currently an hour away from home.

Luckily I found a quiet bar just on the corner of the street but little did I know this was going to be the day in which I fell in love.

You see this was the day I met Edward Cullen, a charming young doctor with a world full of dreams on his lap.

How was I so luckily to meet this man? Well let me tell you...

After stumbling into the bar with my bad foot I was luckily enough to find a small corner of the room in which I could rest my leg on one of those puffers stalls. The bartender was nice enough to get me some frozen peas and a glass of chilled water for me as I was currently in too much pain to move anymore.

I had been there for around five minutes when a tall guy, around six foot two with untameable bronze hair and the most beautiful emerald green eyes that I had ever seen in my whole life, came strolling in from the bitter weather outside and sat on a stool beside the bar.

I watched as the bartender took his order before handing him a beer. What I didn't bank on however was the bartender to point in my direction. At first I thought I might be in trouble abusing their hospitality but when those warm eyes meant mine I could hardly form words.

The guy however seemed unfazed as he picked his beer up before pushing the stool back and getting out of his seat. He moved so gracefully towards me it was almost as if my heart was stuck in a full out rainstorm as it was beating a thousand beats per a minute by now.

As soon as the guy reached my quiet corner; he stuck his hand out and addressed me in a friendly tone, " Hello I'm Edward Cullen, my friend Emmett over there thought you might need some help with your foot and I'm a doctor so I'd be happy to take a look at it for you."

"I'm Isabella but everyone calls me Bella." I mumbled shyly.

"Bella." He repeated softly before insisting to look at my foot once again, this made me wonder if he was reckless everyday as he knew nothing apart from my name and he was so willing to help me with no questions asked.

"Wow, thank you but I really don't think that would be necessary..." I replied as a deep blush began to form on my cheeks.

"Please I insist, what kind of a gentleman would I be if I didn't help you" He stated leaving me with no room to argue, so I just sat back and relaxed into the cushions.

And you stood there in front of me just

Close enough to touch

Close enough to hope you couldn't see

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2014 ⏰

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