Phone call scene with Ghostface and Kym (Scream Season 3)

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Fade In:

[On a balmy late night, inside a homey, yet small house at the quaint streets, of College Park, a buzzing ringtone is heard by the perky and outgoing Kym. She stops her second run of STAB 8, before extending her hands to reach the phone. A mild hesitation is displayed on her bold face, moments before answering the mysterious call from an unknown number.]

Ghostface: Hello?

Kym: Hi, who is this?

Ghostface: I am looking for someone right to talk to tonight.

Kym: Well, this call could possibly be the start of another horrific urban legend with a new mysterious killer on the loose who is about to get revenge against a group of high school students....or [music pacing changes....] it could be someone that needs help. If you can clarify, which one is which, my answer might change.

Ghostface: It is the latter, although, you do seem to have an imaginative mind. I like that.

Kym: I will take that as a compliment [laughs], thanks. Alright, I am listening.

[Kym smiles, innocently]

Ghostface: I need to discuss some problems that I have been having, lately.

Kym: Sure, what is bothering you?

Ghostface: It is just that, I am going through an existential dilemma that is killing me inside and I am afraid, it might be the end of the line for someone else.

Kym: I would love to help you, I really would but this is way beyond anything that I know now. I am afraid, I am no Gregory House.

Ghostface: I don't know, I felt like you were in a way. I mean, I can hear that in your voice.

Kym: Really?

Ghostface: Just as much as I can see you right now.

[Kym turns around, with a distraught panic in her eyes. Immensely startled, she rises from her lounge chair. She starts to go to the kitchen, to grab a knife for safety before a troublesome thought ponders on her mind.]

Kym: Look, I am going to hang up right now.

Ghostface: You seem nervous.

Kym: That is because you said something that was genuinely creepy.

Ghostface: Oh, I am sorry. I didn't really mean that Kym.

Kym: Is that you, Manny? Your attempt at scaring me is futile. Seriously, you are such an asshole. I know you love horror movies and all but...

Ghostface: That is an interesting question you pose and no, I am not Manny. Although, if you want me to, I could put on a little act. You said Manny loves horror movies. What is his favorite scary movie?

Kym: Really? Okay, fine. Black Christmas.

Ghostface: I see, that is a great choice. He seems to have a love for the classic slasher movies. He sounds like a fun person, to be around with, right? [laughs]

Kym: Okay Manny? I am going to have to hang up right now.

Ghostface: I was quite nice to you Kym and you are making me look like the bad guy.

Kym: It is not going to work, Manny. You can't charm your way out of this. Tomorrow, when I see you at Weaver High, you better have a good explanation for this shit.

Ghostface: I don't have to act like Manny anymore if that is your wish. Although, I want to be frank with you, I am not Manny. Call me a curious stranger, but I am just an individual, who is excited about an upcoming performance that you will be a part of.

Kym: I don't understand.

Ghostface: You see, you will play the faux lead role of a slasher inspired story. One where the audience gets to see the portrayal of a sweet and innocent girl, receiving a mysterious call from the killer.

Kym: You are talking about, Scream right?

Ghostface: Yeah, I love that movie, don't you?

Kym: Who doesn't love Scream?

Ghostface: True. Alright, so Kym, let's just make do with what we have right now. We have a lead character, a story and a killer. What else is missing?

Kym: The police, which I am going to call right now. Also, whatever fear tactics, you are engaging in, is not working on me. I am not scared of your bullshit.

Ghostface: I wouldn't want you to be scared. However, we need the audience, to be sold on your performance. Call it the first act of an opening for a rebooted slasher series. We can make the self-containment of your fear, a delightful pop-corn affair for the masses that will enjoy such content.

Kym: Like I give a damn.

Ghostface: Kym, the stakes are predictably high and the audience cares about you not living up to your final girl status. Don't you understand? The excitement of your story ending is exactly why, everyone else is enthralled. Just think of this as an acting opportunity of a lifetime and one, that you won't get to live beyond the end of the performance [laughs].

Kym: Listen to me, you little piece of shit. I am not the Claire Harrison of this story. If you sincerely believe, that you scared me to death, I am afraid, the jig is up. Whatever move you are planning is never going to happen, so you might as well go to hell asshole.

Ghostface: Don't be fastidious. We have all night to craft the narrative of your brutal departure. There is nothing that you can do to stop it. The only thing that you can take solace in knowing is the fact that tonight, you will get to watch yourself, be a part of a killer story. No matter, what happens, you will die. Call the police and you will be long dead before they even get here. Try to escape and you will only hasten your demise. The only thing that is left for you is to be a part of a gruesome finale, worthy of decapitating Final Destination 2 and I promise you, that depiction is going to be one hell of a scream [laughs]. See you soon Kym.


When a Killer Calls (Scream Season 3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz